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The 1984 film "This is Spinal Tap" had a scene where a guitarist explains why they're so loud--the amps have volume dials that go to 11. When the interviewer asks why they don't just recalibrate so that 10 is the highest, there's a confused pause, after which the guitarist repeats, "These go to 11."

An 11-ism is any similar bit of clueless thinking.

Did you hear his defense of horoscopes? What an 11-ism!

I watched the political debates last night and have never heard so many 11-isms packed into one block.

by GalileoUnchained November 8, 2011


noun - an idiom used in a declarative statement which is true - but only from a certain point of view.

Kenobi-isms are often used when attempting to make complex issues seem simple, or trying to prove a point with statistical data - this makes them a favourite of politicians, religious leaders, and high-school science teachers.

The name Kenobi-ism refers to the Star Wars character Obiwan Kenobi and a plot-critical statement that he makes to a young Luke Skywalker in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope:

"A young Jedi named Darth Vader, who was a pupil of mine until he turned to evil, helped the Empire hunt down and destroy the Jedi knights. He betrayed and murdered your father."

Luke eventually discovers the truth about his father and (2 movies later) confronts Obiwan accusing him of lying, to which Obiwan replies:

"So, what I told you was true... from a certain point of view. ... Luke, you're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view."

"I'm afraid that the Health Secretary is using a blatant Kenobi-ism there... Whilst it's true to say that the government spent more on public health this year than ever before, in real terms - accounting for inflation - this amount is 10% less than was spent 5 years ago."

by darbs-darby-darbs October 17, 2022


Is when an individual develops mental problems which decreases their ability to be a good league player

If you are diagnosed with kenny-ism you are 100 guaranteed to be reported for unskilled player

by WOOchuu July 31, 2018

That Guy-ism

a disorder when you get so drunk...like drunk to the point of no return and you start doing/saying outlandish and ignorant things, mostly in a public setting. People look at you and they are blessed not to be you. You soon become a model of how not to live your life. You are the laughing stock of the bar or party, but more importantly, you are inevitably, “that guy.”

Damn bro I was busted up at the party last night, but Jason had a case of that guy-ism. He threw a punch at Eric, cussed out a chick and pissed our loveseat.

by Smothered Beef & Onions November 9, 2020


When a man notices a trait or action displayed by his significant other which strongly resembles characteristics similar to those of his mother-in-law.

Baby stop making those animal noises, I’m not enjoying that Libby-ism.

Her-Daniel what time did you book the table?
Her- well make sure you’re ready at 6, we don’t want to be late.

Him- it’s three blocks away
Her- I don’t want to risk being late
Him- not another Libby-ism

by DanNJess July 13, 2021


Mihai-ism refers to the behavior or thoughts that resemble those of Mihai. This can lead to an overload of cuteness, recklessness, and chaos. But it is generally considered acceptable socially and emotionally due to its adorable nature.

I am glad I have gotten the opportunity to experience Mihai-ism.

by JackieMichaels July 25, 2023


Doing something, an activity, for a cause.

We are riding 300 miles on bicycles to raise money to cure Alzheimer's, this is activity-ism

by MagiMark April 7, 2017