When You Finger/Jerk Yourself Of To Much And Tou Use To Much Tissue To Clean It Up But Later On You Do It Again But Run Out Of Tissues
James:I Wanked Off So Hard Last Night And Ran Out Of Tissue
Rebecca:You Have Some “Tissue Issues”
When a woman usually of the emo variety has an abusive / absent father in their life. The result of this usually makes the woman tend to go for an older man or an abusive one depending on the type of father they had.
“That white bitch Paulina so fucked up bro her daddy issues makin’ her go for some frat house abusive prick!”
A condition in which a girl has unprocessed
trauma from having an unhealthy relationship
with her father she may become placating
and deferential if she grew up around a wolf.
I’ve got insecure attachment probably from unresolved Daddy issues.”,
“Could it be that I keep dating assholes because of my Daddy issues?”
a girl who didn’t have a good father figure growing up, tends to go for older boys and constantly craves attention from them and wants to constantly be with them and feel comforted. Usually struggles to love and trust aswell as getting jealous and angry easily.
pressing a gay nigga that’s talking on your name and basically calling you a bitch, “pressing the issue” is something instigators love
gay nigga 1: gay nigga 2 a bitch
gay nigga 2: huh?
crowd: dammmnnn
instigator: damnnn I wouldn’t let nobody call me gay fr fr, press the issue on that nigga!
instigators are very common in the 559 and could be found easily in any gay nigga house hold.
Btard, Bman..... this kid antonio bro💀
kid is literally the definition of attatchment issues
to be retarded or have severe autistic mannerisms
Mate 1: Ayy, boy you got pacing issues
Mate 2: Stfu idek what that means