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Jello Biafra

Groww more pot!

jello biafra is the shit

by ray October 14, 2003

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Jello Slapping

Jello Slapping is the most amazing form of entertainment known to man.

'Hey dude, yesterday I did some Jello Slapping!'
-'Woah, thats cool. I got to do that with you someday!' :D

by Thejelloslapper August 4, 2010

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yellow jello

It means hi,hello,hey etc

i was tired of saying hi so i started saying yellow jello. and b4 i new it EVERYONE was saying it not just mi friends but also ppl i didnt noe

hi hello howdy

Zach:yellow jello

Blair:yellow jello

hey greetings aloha

by preppy_rocker March 15, 2009

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jello rabbit

n. when a skinny asian girl with glasses sits on your face and you blow bubble soap into her rectum. this causes her eyes to bug out and her ears to wiggle like a bunny, in addition to her ass cheeks jiggling like Jell-o.

Last night me and Lee Park got wasted and when she put on her glasses I gave her a Jello rabbit to remember.

by cockbeast September 23, 2007

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jello packet

1. Unit of paste contained in a Sheath.
2. (sailor definition) Kunt.
3. The canal within which to disperse thine Throat Dog.
4. Please don;t mention the bloody machete wound
5. Elite forms of females that continue to drip like conveyor belts until dawn.
6. Any one who has actually fucked a jello cup (i.e store bought gelatin) please visit a porno site immediately.

"Dude, that bitches jello packet tasted like gardetto's snacks!"

"Holy shit I totally saw Britney Spears bloated jello packet on TV yesterday!"

"I hope Bill Clinton didn't actually PLOUGH Hillarys rusted Jello Packet!!@!!!"

"Thars a lass with a bonnie jello packet if'n i've ever seen un!" (irish proverb)

" Marmetlata! CE bene MICIO! IO MANGO MICIO!

" Dude, you totally emerged from yo mamma's jello packet!"

by Bob C. Dawg April 12, 2008

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Smelly jello

It is the art of sticking jello up someone's asshole and then taking it out and smelling it untill you pass out.

Guy 1: hey dude want some smelly jello
Guy 2: mmmmh yes plz who's asshole
Guy 1:my bitches!
Guy2: OK yummmmm!

by Dropthecheese March 25, 2016

Colon Jello

A thick substance that oozes from the rectum. Usually after the consumption and attempted digestion of Taco Bell.

"Cindy ate some of my colon jello with whipped cream."

by Logan Heckyes January 28, 2013