Source Code

Bed Jinx

A bed jinx takes place when two people are in bed simultaneously and tell each other. Similar to calling a jinx when two people speak the same word.

Bed jinxes, are different from a traditional jinx, in the reward you receive. Instead of receiving a "coke", you can receive an array of rewards, ranging from a good old fashion cuddling, to a full blown hat on the door knob. Its a very powerful jinx.

Brittney - Hey, whats up?

Tom - Just laying in bed trying to watch some tv.

Brittney - Haha me too!

Tom - I'm calling bed jinx on that one!

Brittney - What do I owe you?

Tom - ;)

by Albert fitzgerald September 28, 2011

Bubonic Jinx

"When playing a game, you can jinx another player, causing them to mess up on their play. However, if you're feeling particularly cocky, the jinx may backfire on you. This principle holds true in sports as well. Legend has it that the Cleveland Cavaliers secured their championship in 2016 through a supposed 'Bubonic Jinx,' and similarly, the Indians were said to be under its influence that same year. Yet, the jinx, rather ironically, backfired on the Indians that year."

1."You snap your finger" 2. Damn son, the fuck did you do. 1.Bubonic Jix your ass son. Now, give him snake eyes. 2. "Fuck yo shit bitch" rolls a snake eyes . "Mother fucker man!"

Back fire Bubonic Jinx

Use your head.

by Wizard of Cleveland January 23, 2024


when nothing on the internet works for you, while your friends happily surf away

your facebook page layout is messed up, links sent on your on, off, on, off msn say cannot be displayed and your passwords never save or work - INTER-JINXED.

by frizzzee March 30, 2009

eyebrow jinx

Yelled when you’re vibing with your boo and you wiggle/raise your eyebrows suggestively at each other at the same time.

“Last night my boo and I were about to get down and we eyebrow jinxed. So funny”

by June 4, 2023

Jinx Master

It is basically Bruno no no no.

You are acting like the Jinx Master.
Stop saying everything and it actually comes true!

by GalaxieBoi Gaming March 25, 2022

Mr Jinx

A huge black cat that would hate if you disturbed it. They are most likey pure bred but vets can't tell with out be harmed by the animal. If you ever encounter a "Mr Jinx", especially if he's sleeping, be sure not to disturb him because you may end up in hostipal.

Omg is that Mr Jinx, nigga we better be careful.

by Yodelatme January 10, 2018

National jinx Friday

Jinx Friday is about a Friday on July 1st, it's where you go celebrate Jinx the cat!
The national jinx friday is about eating catfood for the rest of the day, only eat it at breakfast, lunch, dinner, maybe brunch aswell

Hey David have you heard of national jinx Friday?
Yes I have, lets go worship jinx the cat!

by Jinxlover6942069 July 1, 2022