Source Code

Los Gatos

Los Gatos is a place where the people are either really smart or dumb as fuck - people from all over the world come to live and work in Los Gatos. On the other hand, there are the rich mofos that inherited their money in order to live there and have no interest in teaching their kids about work ethic. The dads are rich and use their money to buy prostitutes that they claim are their wives, but they’re just staying for the Starbucks fund. Everything is overpriced and the kids are either really nice or adopt hitler.

I used to live in Los Gatos halftime as a kid. I was the only one that didnt ave a geezer dad and milf mom at elementary school

by Ains.ya April 5, 2019

22πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Poorly-groomed pubic hair. (ie. "low 'fro") An afro down below.

You gotta take care of yourself. No one wants to go down on a lo-fro, yo.

by Mandy S. June 9, 2005

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Wan Lo

Wan Lo goes by his nickname of Wanlodica, which is the name of the instrument he is a god at. He is bald.

His forehead glows.

Student A: That big-ass, ginormous, colossal, gigantic, tremendously, gargantuan forehead of Wan Lo

Student B: is brighter than your future

by JohnMakFan April 27, 2021

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Los Gatos

Town in the base of Santa Cruz mountains, rich suburb of San Jose. Lots of rich dads with milf wives, and hot daughters. Lots of rich kids means lots of nice cars, big houses, and drugs. Overall tight ass place, a few hours from Tahoe, 20 minutes from Santa Cruz. Check out the Ferrari dealership, Hummer dealership, and huge houses.

I spent the whole day checking out the big houses, hot women, and nice cars in Los Gatos.

by Chris March 18, 2005

438πŸ‘ 115πŸ‘Ž

Wan Lo

Wan Lo
Wan Lo is a music teacher, and he is old, very old indeed. He has made a giant innovation in the aspects of both music and medical technology, the Wanlodica. Also, he is wise beyond age.

Age and appearance
Wan Lo, as mentioned above, is very old indeed. Current reliable first-hand sources claim that he is 6,235,717 years old actually, but no one has ever dared to ask him that question. He, as all old men are, has a lot of wrinkles on his head and is nearly bald, with a "Mediterranean sea" hairstyle(the top of the head doesn't have any hair, while the sides and the back have some, this is the infamous "Mediterranean sea" hairstyle). Anyway, he is very 87451.

Myths say that Wan Lo's invention, the legendary instrument, the Wanlodica, is the infinite source of his eternal baldness and age.2 The Wanlodica was originally a melodica, but Wan Lo probably cursed it so that it is much harder to play than it's standard counterpart. Major differences include its black symbols marking the name of the "sofa note", and the horrible sounds it emits. It has the ability to play much more beautiful sounds than the melodica, but only those who have truly mastered the instrument can do so, including Cho Duck, Goerge and himself.

Official warning:
His breath stinks a lot. so, don't stay close to him.

A: I like Wan Lo
B: Don't be so 8745

by Dsmyrajdyanseh November 25, 2019

15πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

lo goose

A Polo Ralph Lauren goose down jacket.

"A young youth, yo rockin' a gold tooth, 'lo goose/Only way I'll begin to G off is drug loot"

by VGambit May 27, 2007

51πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


A woman too old to be dressing like J-Lo similar to
"mutton dressed as lamb".

"Simmer down Grey-Lo, no cut's"

by Erueti April 5, 2006

52πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž