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The Mallory Effect

When a man dates Mallory for a few weeks or months then when she tries to break up with the man they suddenly love her.

Mallory: Ugh, I tried to break up with him, it wasn't even serious, and he just claims that he "loves me!!"

Friend: It's the Mallory effect!!!

by coocoo bop December 10, 2020

Pulling a Mallory

Being in a cunty mood. Dismissive. Irritable in a passive-aggressive way.

Jeez, Clarissa is of a mood today, isn't she?
Yeah, she's pulling a Mallory.

by George the Cub March 28, 2020

mallory jones

An absolute stanky individual. Her long slender toes resemble that of a 12 year old boys hand. She is quite frightening when you first meet her but slowly she will warm with loads of forced cuddle times. She could put ben and jerrys out of service with her never ending ice cream addiction. Finally, she is an astounding 3am pad thai chef. Has an aversion to meat loaf following a severe disruption to her stomach pH.

That mallory jones, gagged smelling the meat loaf again.

by smmatta September 23, 2021


The name Mallori is used to describe the prettiest girl in Virginia with an amazing heart and beautiful voice.

Wow that Mallori has quite the effect on Daniel.

by Jojo from jerz February 23, 2023

mallori richards

Mallori Richards is a Bitch she mean hateful and never have a good moment she so stupid and ugly most people hate to be around her

O your with Mallori Richards yeah she’s a bitch I hate her

by T.Swizzle October 24, 2018

Mallory brooks

Mallory brooks is a very weird person and really deserves the world. she can be insecure about herself even when there no reason to be because she is a very beautiful intelligent and smart girl. she also is a suicidal person she covers it up with a smile so no one notices but she tells the most important people what’s really going on in her heart. she can scare away anyone with her dominant stare but can be very funny when she’s with her friends. Mallory is also the type of person to be there for anyone with anything and gives the best advice there is to come.

Mallory brooks is so weird but so sweet.

Mallory brooks scares me somtimes but she’s so funny when she does it.

by Absent.mind456 August 17, 2018

Mallory eisler

Mallory eisler is beautiful smart and encouraging she has the biggest heart and if you are a very lucky person you will meet a Mallory eisler she is delicate tho she has trust issues and abandonment issues so be kind to her because she is the best

Wow Mallory eisler that woman really helped me

by Lovebug369 March 16, 2020