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Crack Mantis

Australian term originated from South East Queensland describes the underweight sticklike appearance of a drug affected person who is trying to walk to or from the nearest 24 hour shop.

The female version is more commonly seen and can be found in areas near Service Stations.

Easily identified by their typically weird walking style and very underweight frame, the crack mantis is not typically considered a safety threat but can become

agitated if their path of travel is impeded.

A Crack Mantis is rarely far from their home (nest) due to the effort required to coordinate a journey. 50m can be known to take over 30 minutes and path of travel is always different due to repetitive jerks, pauses or lunges. Males are not so common possibly due to the known mating habits of the female.

Hey mate check that crack mantis heading to the servo. I bet those overgrown rental units around the corner is the nest.

She might just get their before dark, still 30m to go.

by Maroon Viking January 2, 2023

mister mantis

Is a soldier you can olso name him aiman the super sprinkhaan, but MisterMantis is his real name.

Boy: Who Did you here about mister mantis
Girl: Yeah He is so cool and hot

by MISTERMANTIS August 1, 2017

Reverse preying mantis

A reverse black widow or preying mantis is a male that kills a female after they mate.

Henry VIII of England was a reverse preying mantis since he would chop a female's head off after they mated.

by Solid Mantis June 16, 2019

Hurtis Mantis

The "technical" term for a person that was not blessed with beauty!

She's thinks she's cute, but she's really a HURTIS MANTIS!

by Anico November 2, 2007

Mantis Stan

Very intelligent person who realizes and recognizes mantis solos fiction. Anyone who disagrees is clearly a fat local who has never read a comic in their life xx

Mantis is the most powerful character to ever exist and to not exist -highly intelligent person AKA mantis stan

by Argentlqve July 28, 2022