Source Code

Best believe

Just a way of saying, you can bet on something to happen if a another event should occur

Person 1: I heard Rosa said she was going to fight you

Person 2: if she touches me best believe I will whip her ass

by tacoboutit July 3, 2017

25๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

best combo

A term used in fighting games, such as Capcom vs SNK 2, where one player would connect a combo of 3 hits that only consists of two light punches followed by a sweep. A combo consisting of three light punches then a sweep, even though it has one more punch is considered an inferior combo simply because it is not the "best combo".

Player A and Player Y are playing CvS2.
Player Y misses a special move leaving him open for punishment.
Player A takes this opportunity to retaliate with the BEST COMBO.

Player B who is spectating becomes infuriated seeing that combo landing on someone over and over again and asks,
"Why don't you use a better combo?"

Player A responds,
"What are you talking about man? That's the BEST COMBO!"

by pheeelsogoot May 20, 2009

26๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Best Boy

The most like male character chosen in an anime or a video game. The male counterpart to best girl.

Person A: Redluma is best boy
Everyone else: Agreed!

by HunnyBunny_017 May 26, 2017

52๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Best Shit

The things that a person may say or do to impress and endear themselves to another person......usually when they are on the pull.

Hey, check out Rob. He is pulling out his best shit with that girl !
Dude, you were pulling out your best shit last night......

by Gregory Grayson November 24, 2010

18๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

best buds

1 People who regard themselves as very close friends, closer than most. Best buds would most typically talk regularly, and hang out often. Generally refers to two individuals as the "best buds".
2 People who are very close, but call themselves "best buds" insinuating that they smoke weed together (bud used as a heteronym, meaning friend and marijuana).

"Hey dude, I think we're best buds"
"Oh yeah, whys that"
"All we do is smoke"
"Oh yeah"

by xtravaganja August 9, 2015

12๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

best friend

Many people, not all, go through different best friends throughout life. However, usually a person only has one real, true best friend in all that time. A best friend is not only someone you have a good time with, it is also someone you believe you can trust your life with. A best friend is the first person you call when the most amazing things happen in your life, and when the most horrific incidents happen. A best friend is the person you will always remember no matter what comes about. Some people lose the only true best friend they will ever have, and even when they get new "best friends" .. that old, real best friend is always on their mind. A best friend is almost like real family, a best friend gives the opinion you usually care most about. A best friend is the one who tells you the things you absolutely need to hear regardless of whether you want to hear it or not. A best friend is the person you usually can be around always and never get sick of. A best friend is someone you don't envy, and is the person you are grateful to have as a friend. A best friend is the one who will forgive you always, even when you've screwed up so bad. And a best friend is the one who even though you may have drifted apart from, when the time comes for them to hug you or congratulate you on an accomplishment or to console you on a loss.. they are the number one person you want to see, always because they are the person you've confided the most in and they are the person who knows you the best .. even when you both have changed.

Your real, true best friend is your comfort zone.

We weren't best friends anymore, but I still came out for her show. Afterwards, the hug we shared meant more to her than anyone else's and everyone could tell.

by lachae July 9, 2006

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It means inferior, next best, next to best, nothing special, second-rate.
Not as good as the best. Not exactly what you want, not perfect.

I'm sorry if I made you feel second-best.
A second-best solution.

by Gisela August 2, 2007

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