An animal at who used to whitewash Q-bit array freak.
- Q-bit array is batshit insane
- Ole Førsten silently removes everything
13👍 6👎
beat msu 20-3, the typical rebel fan can not stand a lsu fan because they are coon-ass hicks
guess what, we play lsu you at home this year
we will surely kick their ass!
380👍 344👎
Ole Miss (The University of Mississippi). is located on the beautiful rolling hills of north Mississippi in the charming small southern town of Oxford. The typical Ole Miss male student is very preppy and conservative, he wears Polo shirts and some type of slacks or columbia PFG shorts and a Kavu visor. The typical Ole Miss female student is very appealing, wears nice and good-looking clothes, and usually has her daddy's credit card in her back pocket. The Grove at Ole Miss is home to the greatest tailgating in all of sports. Ole Miss is the home to the 2nd ranked honors college in the nation, and excels in most of its other academic programs. Ole Miss was recently voted the Number 2 party school in the nation. Ole Miss' in-state rival Mississippi State is very redneck and does not have nearly the academic stature that Ole Miss has.
Hey Mike, are you going to Mississippi State? Hell no, Bob, My ACT/SAT scores were way to high, I'm going to Ole Miss.
182👍 158👎
It is when you beat a team you shouldn't and then lose to several teams that you shouldn't.
For example, in 2014, Ole Miss beat 3rd ranked Alabama and 14th ranked Texas A&M only to lose to 24th ranked LSU and unranked Arkansas. Then in 2015, Ole Miss beat 2nd ranked Alabama then lost to 25th ranked Florida, and unranked Arkansas again.
Ole Miss is ole missing for the second year in a row. How do you beat a top 3 Alabama team then lose to an unranked Arkansas two years in a row?
If you call a girl little ol (insert name) then you totally are into her
Little ol Jade you are too funny.
Holding your own tord online so that that you can rage post and eat hot pockets at the same time
Hey John are you busy? "yeah I'm pulling the ole lurkins tonight ".. But tomorrow I'm headed to the tord if you wanna go