Source Code

political party

Independent: Shit happens.
Democrat: Shit is a vast right-wing conspiracy.
Republican: The rich deserve more shit.
Moderate: We must also consider shit’s right to happen.
Liberal: Shit will happen if we don’t spend enough.
Conservative: The courts have allowed too much excrement.
Reform: We can’t get our poop in a group.
Socialist: Support the equal distribution of shit.
Communist: Come the revolution, shit will not happen again.
Libertarian: Legalize all kinds of shit.
Green: Compost happens.

I am a member of the green political party, therefore I believe in compost--and none of this crap about shit.

by care-line May 2, 2006

369👍 52👎

political correctness

Being a decent human being, and considering what you say to others, not saying derogatory terms and/or phrases.

Jeb: Explain Political Correctness to me.
Me: Think of a racial slur and never say it again.
Jeb: Oh.

by Your Good Friend March 6, 2016

581👍 4441👎

Catholic politics

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. It is the absolute truth. Over time, many Catholic popes, priests, and bishops have demonstrated an inability to use their absolute power responsibly. When word/gossip of this leaks out, there is a panic in the magisterium because the Catholic church must be an infallible institution. Then begins the media spin, where the magisterium conjures up whatever lies they can in order to warp the truth to their favor. Then, every bad thing is neatly swept under the rug. This is the cycle of Catholic politics.

I really like Catholicism and it is a great religion with strong morals and lots of good people, but Catholic politics just make me sick.

by Bad C dev March 4, 2021

political graveyard

Where ideas and politicians' careers go to die.

(1) A job from which political advancement is very unlikely.

(2) A committee or agency which receives ideas or proposals, but does not release them.

(3) A list of politicians whose careers have been ended by some specific pundit or reporter or political boss or pressure group.

Being on city council only makes you lots of enemies, so you can't get elected to any higher office; it's a political graveyard.

Senator Smith's committee is the political graveyard for weed control legislation.

If you criticize Rush Limbaugh, he's going to put you in his political graveyard.

by Consider Her Ways September 7, 2012


It is a popular left leaning political subreddit who kiss Democrat’s asses and act like Democrat’s are so much better than Republicans, when in reality both are harmful to America. r/politics is essentially a bunch of leftists trying to think they are good, when in reality they are just as crooked and harmful for Americans as the Republicans they so hate.

Joe: I read this article on r/politics on how Republicans are bad!

Fred: You hear about what the Democrats are doing too? Or does r/politics only say things leftists like?

Joe: They're telling the truth about America! The Democrat’s will help us!

Fred: Joe, they’re both corrupt. They’re 2 sides of the same coin. Regardless of who you vote for, your going to get your rights stripped and get fucked over by career politicians who lie to your face.

Joe: That’s not true! That’s a Republican conspiracy!

Fred: Joe, the 2 party system is fucking you over. But keep lying to yourself that Democrat’s aren’t crooked politicians who do shady shit. All politicians are the same man. Get a hold of yourself and stop believing a fantasy.

Joe: No! Trump and Russia are spewing lies! Joe Biden isn’t a complete ass! La la la la la la la la

Fred: You spend way too much time on that Democrat circle jerk subreddit man.

by Noshit2547 May 25, 2020

940👍 155👎

Political Election

A seduction into power. A candidate promises all kinds of bullshit to increase their appeal and convince the blissfully ignorant to vote for them. Once in power they have everything they need and therefore don't have to give a damn about the masses anymore. And to rub salt into the wound all the bullshit they promised before the election is revealed to be: bullshit, much to the dismay of voters. Strangely the majority doesn't seem to catch on and this method has been utilised to the same effect ever since.

Political elections are bullshit. Next time you see the successor to the throne preaching about how much better your lives are going to be once they're in the power palace, get out there and hunt these traitors down, hang them for deceiving the public and take back the money they were taking off you to fund the austerity brigade, arms dealers, media circus, conformity agents and the domination state.

by GoAskAlex1991 May 6, 2011

20👍 1👎

political party

A group of individuals who share a similar political philosophy. The two major parties in the United States are the Republican and Democratic parties. According to UrbanDictionary, both parties are failures and a waste of power, time, and money. In reality, neither party likes each other, especially in policy making. Political party preference is the main reason this country is "divided," since each party takes a particular stance on certain issues such as abortion and gay rights.

Person A: Fuck you! You're a Republican!
Person B: Fuck you! You're a Democrat!

by Matt July 31, 2005

165👍 24👎