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Slow Rhino

When you see a group of women out and about, there is always one in the very back, usually crying, on a cell phone, falling out of her clothes, carrying her heels and just being a general mess. This is from the movie Jumaji where they come to an intercetion and see a stampede, followed by the "slow rhino" at the very end, huffing and puffing to try and keep up. Also known as the "Last Rhino". Very common in any college town.

Dude i just got back from the bar, slow rhinos as far as the eye can see.

by JCDC April 25, 2010

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rhino dick

An uncircumcised Penis that's so big it look like a rhino

My man got a rhino dick
Ew it's a rhino dick

by Therachetassqueen September 21, 2015

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rhino rape

the act of taking one's knee and ramming it into someone else's butt while screaming "RHINO RAPE".

victim: man i was just talking to my girlfriend at that party the other day when that guy gave me the hardest rhino rape of my life.
friend: haha sucks to be you

by clarwinkia June 12, 2009

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robust rhino

Robust Rhino - When an alpha male is on his hands and knees ,while four other males are holding a female by her will, spreading her legs. The alpha then takes a few steps back and sprints at her vagina, and the female has the most intense oragasm upon impact.

Male: hey ellie ready for tonight's robust rhino?
Female: Yes tonight his the highlight of my week

by ZombifiedKing January 22, 2016

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To be beyond serious.

I was soo serious about how fat he was. I was rhino-serious

by BallzMahonez August 20, 2007

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Rhino Kiss

Showing affection to someone by knocking your forehead against theirs. Then immediately after, yell "rhino kiss!" and watch the surprised expression on their face.

Wake up in the morning and instead of leaning in for a real kiss, bonk their head with yours and exclaim, "Rhino Kiss!"

by Box Chubb September 15, 2010

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horny rhino

The act of shoving your knee up another's ass from behind as a form of a sneak-attack.

"Man, that horny rhino he just gave me hurt like a mother."

by ChiquitaVallejo July 24, 2005

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