Source Code

SCP: Secret Laboratory

A game based on the famous website SCP Foundation. He is reputed for his incredible stability.
The principal developer is Hubert Moszka. He diriges is developpement staff : the studio staff.

SH*T. SCP: Secret Laboratory has crashed.

F*ck, SCP: Secret Laboratory has made a BSOD in my computer. HUBERT, COME HERE !

by Flo - Fan December 31, 2019

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SCP 953

An Evil Kumiho Who is Prisoner of The SCP Foundation, Who rapes and commits acts of necrophillia...Also a Keter class. She is over 1,000 years old

have you read the latest update for SCP 953?

Yeah, It was pretty good

by SCP 953 May 24, 2022

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SCP got Sound

A singing talent show for SCPs

Announcer: Welcome to another edition of 'SCP got Sound'!

by big black n world balls hd November 8, 2022

SCP Foundation

A collaborative shared New Weird worldbuilding project focused on the exploits of the extranational "SCP Foundation" and their mission to protect humanity from esoteric, paranatural, and extraterrestrial threats. Started as an offshoot of /x/ copypasta, and has become its own form of metafiction, encompassing fan games, films, and as inspirations for other media properties.

I think a part of me died when they started letting anyone at the SCP Foundation write 001 proposals. It's been downhill since Gate Guardian.

by Somebody, but not Nobody June 1, 2022

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United States President Donald John Trump.

In the lore of the SCP Foundation, Donald Trump is a naturally powerful β€œreality sink” that the SCP Foundation, a secretive organization tasked with protecting the world from supernatural threats, pulls strings behind the scenes to have elected president after learning of the existence of β€œOld Gorman,” or SCP-5004-A, a demon sealed beneath the United States Capitol Building with a 100-year-long spell in 1916, and concluding (much to their dismay) that Trump being President, which would drain Old Gorman’s power, is the only viable way to stop the demon from breaking free and destroying the east coast.

On January 20, 2017, SCP-5004-B was inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States. During the inauguration, which was scarcely attended, Foundation thaumatologists (as well as the three remaining members of the Metaphysical Club) confirmed that SCP-5004-A did begin to manifest in the baseline universe. However, as expected the entity was immediately affected by SCP-5004-B, which reduced SCP-5004-A's size considerably, likely as a defense mechanism against SCP-5004-B. The entity, now visible on infrared but otherwise invisible and intangible, came to rest above the head of SCP-5004-B where it stayed, curled into a tight fetal position roughly 2m in diameter.

by Hogtrude Parker January 12, 2021

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Ugly scp tato

Something someone said in Rap Battles on Roblox (watch Flamingo if you do not know)

Ugly scp tato also means SCP 008

by SmartLugia July 12, 2019

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SCP Secret Laboratory Player

Someone who has no social life that plays music into their mics and thinks that they're fucking hilarious. They are also extremely dumb and try really hard to be funny by constantly screaming cringy memes that died years ago. It is also rumoured that 99% of their dads left them at a young age.

Person 1: Dude, this kid was trying so hard to be friends with me by spitting out a bunch of cringy memes trying to make me laugh, but failing miserably.
Person 2: Wow, he must be a SCP Secret Laboratory Player!

by Dookie Fridge April 12, 2022

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