Source Code


Samuel is a one of a kind person, is very witty, usually thinks that they have a great sense of humor... but dosent. They're not funny when they're trying, but when they're just being themselves they are hilarious!

Samuel is very smart, and earlier in their lives, sort of a suck up. Samuel is great and making friends with both genders, and knows how to make and keep a good friend.

Samuel's are usually big fans of the internet, has social media, plays video games, and is sort of a nerd. Samuel's can be annoying sometimes, but only if you did something first.

Samuel's are usually scared of being in trouble, but will push the line as far as they can without getting in trouble. Samuel's will joke about a lot, but if it's serious you'll get to meet the Samuel that helps, and cares, and stresses out.

Guy 1: woah is that Samuel?
Guy 2: yeah are you going to his Marvel Movie Marathon next week?
Guy 1: heck yeah! I wouldn't miss out on a party at Samuel's place any day!

by Turdel Guy September 9, 2021



Samuel always saying ehekz , purrr & pure eow when he's watching Korean drama.

by ericz_ November 23, 2021


Samuel is a kind hearted, loving, caring boyfriend, that has a monster cock. When I say Monster I really mean it, like Sam's cock is so long and girthy that he has to slide it down one trouser leg and not to mention the sheer velocity of his ballsack. You can see the tension in them, as if they're ready to explode and ejaculate all over every part of the universe and beyond.

"Have you seen Samuel's Monster cock?!?!"

by Ray pist moe lester August 2, 2022


One of the finest and most beautiful names in the history of names, some people might also say that all Samuels are sexy asf and hot.

Daaaaamn, Samuel is really hot, my model friend was right.

by Samuel, the real one December 31, 2021


samuel is cool. you are cool samuel.

person 1- samuel is cool
person 2- i know

by Snoooob November 25, 2021



Samuel daddy

by Samuelsupremecy August 6, 2022




by NotANormie425 December 24, 2021