Source Code

Translate server error

A famous Chinese restaurant serving bugs saute...

- Tom what's "restaurant" in Chinese?
- Er translate server error?
- Weird...

by Tom Gore August 9, 2008

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Christian Minecraft server

No swearing in me Christian Minecraft server

Watch ur language in me Christian Minecraft server!

by squadsquadyt February 25, 2019

53๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cannot find server

AARRRGGGHHHH!!!! Fucking HELLL!!!!! That's the fiftieth fucking time today!!!! I HATE getting "cannot find server"!!!! it might as well just say "FUCK OFF"!!!!!!!

THe webpage you want is currently unavailable.

Please either FUCK OFF,

Or spend ALL FUCKING DAY pressing the fucking "refresh" button.

by annoyed internet user May 24, 2004

58๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Doing an MSN server

to 'do an msn server' is to not work when needed. It is to piss everyone off when it is inconvenient for them. It is also to respond slow and do maintenance or repair at the completely wrong time and without warning

Billy: Man... those road works are totally doing an MSN Server!!
Bobfred: Yeah I know... i needed to get to work down the main road which is only 2km, but i had to go the long way, 10km instead!

by Ashley Steel March 9, 2005

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AnimeDao Discord Server

#1 best place to get the sucky wucky
mods are hot and gentle
very nice place for kids

Hey, have you been to the AnimeDao Discord Server? I heard they give good suck for cheap. I think I saw SUGOI succing one of the mods. Seems interesting

by Mona1221 October 28, 2020

6๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

shit server of fuck

shit server of fuck was the outcome of one person playing on a server in g-mod. The player was killed several times and couldn't bare with it anymore so the the player said "shit server of fuck" and left.

The player name was - Fedcom99

Since then the rest of the players starting using the butiful word to describe things like shit comment of fuck if a comment is bad or shit word of fuck that you may call this word if you don't unerstand it properly.

DeerLord98 - Hey fartgeese let's start a server.
fartgeese - yeah let's do it.
*half an hour later*
DeerLord98 - fartgeese we should kill that player that just joined until he disconnects.
fartgeese - I hope he ragequits
*New player gets killed several times*
castleking1337 - shit server of fuck
(castleking1337 have been disconnected by player)

by esty alpaca January 30, 2015

Dead Server XD

People saying that in a truly dead discord server

Random Discord User: Dead Server XD
Me: So True

by Ezra is fat April 12, 2022