a person who fails at being a shagger aka getting laid
oi oi mate aint you a fookin shitty shagger mate, fuck off
The Twitter Shagger is a cryptid that is said to dwell somewhere in the depths of the social media website twitter.com.
Very little is currently known about the Twitter Shagger other than that
1. whatever it is, it is probably horny, and
2. everybody on Twitter wants to know what it is.
There is not yet any consensus among Cryptozoologists as to what sort of creature the Twitter Shagger is, since descriptions taken from alleged sightings of the beast vary wildly, but some have speculated that the Twitter Shagger either physically resembles, or has a particular fondness for, parrots.
Someone on Twitter (probably): "Can someone please tell me who or what a #TwitterShagger is, and why the hell is it trending?!?"
Someone else: "It's 2:00 in the morning and I'm still trying to figure out who the Twitter Shagger is."
Girls who like to shag short runts, typically from the Essex region but can refer to men from elsewhere.
Belinda is such a shunt shagger, has she ever slept with anyone over 5,8?
Jumps on the first thing they see moving and tries to have sex with it....
Person 1: This guy just reached out to me from years ago. I hardly know him and he claims we're close friends.
Person 2: Yeah sounds like a right bag shagger...
To be absolutely exhausted/knackered from having sex last night!
Babe I’m so shaggered, last night was off the hook, ollie just gave me orgasm after orgasm, I can barely keep my eyes open!
Annie, order some breakfast stat! I’m absolutely shaggered from the sex- fest last night!
When you’re on the way from a one night stand … shagged and haggard
“ look at Jenny she looks shaggered”
Look at Jenny she looks Shaggered from last night