An awkward silence where no one knows exactly what to comment on face book.
i know... what a fawkward silence...
Aka Slim jims known to be the prey of the king of the jungle the great bill Dotereive
bill hunted down the silence stick.
(n.) when everyone suddenly stops talking. happens once in a while while talking in groups.
(A, B, C are talking madly)
D:(suddenly) Hey, what's up?
A, B, C: *respectful silence*
The awkward silence after a conversation with a person, such as a friend or family member. There is sadly no cure for afterconversation-silence.
"Well, that was fun!"
when Google censors "cunt" in speak-to-text
Harold asked Google to send a text to Jerome "don't be a cunt, man!"; in its translation Google censored the C word as "C***". "I will not be cunt-silenced!" Harold screamed at his phone
the theoretical opposite of complete silence. Silence itself is complete, yet to emphasize it the term "complete silence" is used. So, what then is the incomplete silence? It could probably be best described as an infinetly long silence with an infinetly short sound. The longer the silence and the shorter the sound the closer the moment will get to complete silence, yet it will never be perfectly silent.
someone burping during a minute of silence for a fallen soldier, that's the closest you'll get to incomplete silence in real life
A day of no talking to try and stop the silence of those that have been silenced. Many people think it is just for gays, lesbians, Bisexuals or transgenders, but it is for ANYBODY who has been bullied. Everybody sees it a different way and the day of silence can mean anything you want it to.
Person 1: Hey you, whats up?
Person 2:*does not reply*
Person 1: Oh yea thats right it's the day of silence. Whats it mean to you?
PErson 2:*Shows card for not speaking*
Person1: Ohkay
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