SKA stands for Seniors Kick Ass. It’s used by seniors in high school. Usually by the preppy/popular crowd. It’s used more written than verbally spoken; think car windows, body art, signs, etc.
A way to tell somebody to shut the fuck up. Used when a dumb fucktard is talking mad trash.
„Ajeet ska mit dir endlich.“
„Ajeet Skalamaris siki jackson mit dir.“
A genre of music formed in 1950s Jamaica characterized by offbeat guitar and bass. Later fused with jazz and blues, and taken up by skinheads in Britain in the 70s, and then later gained a final popularity uprising in the 90s.
Anyone who still listens to this garbage is definitely white and either writing a manifesto alone in their mother’s basement, or is 43 and still a virgin.
“Hey, I found this new ska band they’re pretty legit”
“I have to go immediately.”
A punk-addled subgenre of reggae, usually involving 4/4 beats and danceable music. It derives from the band 'The Skatalites'.
Let's get drunk! Let's listen to ska!
The sound that comes from ones mouth when they are giving someone a snake bite, throat slit/chop with ninja like agility.
Can also be used for spin kicks off of street signs.
Guy 1: Hey man how's it going?
Guy 2: SKA! SKA!
Guy 1: oh no I'm dead.