Perfect is the only word to describe her. She’s just perfect
Cadie Stewart is perfect.
Is wonderful person he has many, many talents but will not show them, he is confident and should get a special girl for a special boy :)
perfectstewart paterson
a cute ass guy who lies nd says i’m pretty when i’m not but he’s sweet nd cute 10/10 would give hugs nd lowkey date k periodt
kane stewart
A pedophile, who pervs on little boys and ducks them for drugs
That guy stewart Morgan is fucking my 12 year old son
Absolute legend. Women fall before him. Is the fastest man alive. Gender unknown. Dasher will always be there to give his honest opinion. Also known as water boy.
“Look at that hunk go, he’s an absolute Dasher Stewart”
When a man shaves his pubic hair into a landing strip and dies it orange/blonde. He also has to have his penis pierced with a diamond stud. The man then takes a microphone and removes everything from it except the outer shell. He then proceeds to stick his penis through the microphone shell. He then advances to the local bar and has women sing karaoke out of his microphone.
I thought The Rod Stewart was just wet from me spitting while singing into it until it spit back at me.