Source Code

Chipotle Stew

The result of eating at chipotle, your toilet becomes a giant crock pot

Marge: "Homer let's get Chipotle."
Homer: "Even after cleaning last week's Chipotle Stew?"

by Vanilla jello puddin pops May 24, 2019

Cod Stew

A scenario where a girl has sex and the guy cums in her and she opts to not clean up, but rather she pulls up her panties and goes about her day. This situons often results in a foul odor, which is often enhanced during the summer month.

Sally has a pretty suspicious odor emanating from her nether regions, I have a feeling she has a seriously ripe cod Stew brewing down there.

by Stink Tank Hank March 28, 2017

stewed to the gills

A term of endearment expressing love and extreme sympathy for germophobe wannabe electricians who suffer from SMG. Typically this little rascal is named Eric.

As Eric admired his pea shooters in the mirror. He was totally stewed to the gills.

by SisterStealer January 16, 2019

making stew

1. Not showering for atleast three days and then taking a bath that lasts for several hours.

2. Violent diarrhea.

"I've been drunk for the last 72 hours. If anyone needs me I'll be making stew and then making stew."

by DunchThirty December 7, 2011

gook stew

In WW2 japs would get blown up in bunkers. They'd call it gook stew.

those damn japs got turned into gook stew

by Goontar March 2, 2017

Bean Stew

A hot, multi-female, all nude, sex party.

Come on over to the dorm. We are having bean stew tonight.

I love a good bean stew.

This club is full of hot lez. Iโ€™ll round up some for bean stew tonight.

by Eaton Holgoode February 1, 2018

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cracker stew

a group of white people

don't go into that neighbourhood bro its just a big cracker stew.

by n00bpwner420 December 27, 2014

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