Success the type of guy to have sex with any girl he wants. Some say that he is indian, but he isn't. He "carries" people on video games like Fortnite Battle Royale.
To go get it and WIN, no matter the fucking cost. You got way too much on the line my g.
Being happy and content with your personal growth and position in life.
I've been content with my accomplishments, so I feel successful.
Being happy and content with your own personal grown and position in life.
I've been satisfied with my accomplishments, so I feel successful.
Nah, I just laugh at the disability... And the fact that he proves me right! I'm ALWAYS right!
Hym "If by 'success' you mean 'being given 600 billion dollars by the government during the pandemic and having a company that is 85% funded by the government and receiving bailouts whenever he needs them regardless of how well he runs the company and being given carbon credits to sell after using you billionaire fathers seed money to buy a company after being ousted from you own company and dropping out of college' then... Yeah. It's the definition of ridiculous. He's 'deserving of ridicule.' That's the definition. It's ridiculous. Hahaha!"