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Swerv is not only a Cod based team but it is a lifestyle, but it is also a family / brotherhood

Yo look at his clan tag it says (Swerv) he has to be that guy pal

by RipSacrxd March 28, 2022


When a mother and son live together, she should through herself on him probably he'd love her for it he's probably antsy

Oh I'm tired, lay back swerv momma fixn to make bubba feel a lot better

by Spitsfire13 December 7, 2020


Dat nigga always!

Everybody wanna be like swerv

by DahGawDD November 23, 2021


A biker that is totally cool, and knows what he wants except when it comes to expressing his feelings for that specific Biker Babe that he knows deep in his soul that he is fully attracted to but just will not make the first move to end up with her as his soulmate.

He is a Swerv and needs to man up and ask his Biker Babe out once and for all!

by Gentlegiant70 January 30, 2023

Junior swerve gang

The cooolist most lit ski group in all the land

Yoo junior swerve gang is steezin for a reason

by A smar July 8, 2019

Swerve glitch

An oversight in madden that when executed correctly is extremely overpowered. This involves the user taking control of the WR while the ball is in mid air cutting inside and immediately cutting back outside. When executed perfectly the DB Will follow the WR inside making,the DB useless because it’s nearly impossible to react and have time to combat the swerve.

Dan:Ricky this guy just swerve glitched me

Ricky: bruh what a bitch move

by Daddy daley December 2, 2018

Swerving the curve

When a man takes moves his hands around a curvy-Kardashian like body to feel the pleasure of one’s presence.

When Sarah got home, all she could think about was her boyfriend swerving the curve on her all night long. ;)

by RRRtwat January 25, 2019