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Abby is the sweetest person ever. They usually have brown hair and they are really tall. Their bf’s are super funny. Abby is very smart. She a baddie. I know 2 abby’s in my life and they are both bad. Obsessed with bf’s eyes and smile. She is very talkative. She gets in trouble in class because she talks to much

Bsf: hey bsf💖
Abby: who should we beat today?

by @lilrat October 12, 2019


Pretty,funny,shy, and her smile is contagious she is really sweet and loyal and is there when you need her she likes to help her friends alot

Guy: I need a girlfriend

Guy friend : you need a Abby

by Sunflower10 🌻 May 29, 2020


Orange ( self tanner)

Person1: Do you smell that orange stench?!

Person2: Oh, that’s just Abby

by Your_M0M March 31, 2019


She an incredibly gorgeous individual, she has the most beautiful brown eyes. She's the type of girl to pick you up from your lowest point and make you the happiest you've ever been. As the days pass you fall harder and harder for her and it's something you'll never be able to control. She is a beautiful person inside and out, very funny, delicate and kind. She never fails to put a smile on your face despite how she's feeling. She always puts the ones she cares about before her. She secretly hides her feelings because she doesn't want to be hurt. She is a total introvert but can be outgoing around certain people. Never take advantage of an Abby as she is the most amazing person you'll ever meet, she is loyal, sweet, and very caring, but also likes to crack jokes. If she gives you a chance don't ruin it, take care of her and love her like no other. She deserves your all and that's what you should give her. Being with her is the biggest blessing of your life, so if you let her go, you'll live to regret it. Abby is the girl you want to bring home to your mother. She's the one you want your kids to call mom. She isn't the most expressive with her feelings, but she truly does care and love you. Abby will find her way to be the number one in your heart, for many years to come. So if you have an Abby hold her close and hold her tight because if she ever leaves, it'll be the worst day of your life, so treat her like the number one she is.

Abby will forever be my one and only.

by Alan Akbar August 30, 2021


Abby is a very annoying woman and when in doubt she will do anything for chicken strips. She is super tall and super attractive. She has a great heart but she can be a hormonal teenage female dog.

I really want some chicken strips, I wonder if Abby is available.
Wow Abby is looking good, she kinda resembles Alexis Texas.
Billy have you seen Abby, Yeah she lookin tall .

by dragonlordagedcuccumber September 25, 2019


An Abby is usually a girl who is kind, helpful, and outgoing. She can be an introvert. She has brown hair that can sometimes be blonde. She treasures every one of her friends. She’s very pretty, but thinks she is fat and ugly. She is also a great friend. If you have any relationship with an Abby keep her.

Person 1: Have you seen that Abby girl?
Person 2: Yeah she’s my friend.
Person 1: Wow she is very pretty.
Person 2: Yeah, and very kind.

by RougeFlyer55 November 5, 2019


Abbys usually have very little self-confidence, they think no one has a crush on them or no one likes them but that's not true! They are very funny. They have a few close friends and are not popular but not un-popular. They have a crush for a few weeks but when they show no interest get sad and give up. They are normally super clingy. They are sad a lot but they shouldn't be because they are amazing and deserve the world. They are probably in Drama or Theatre and love to sing and act.

Friend: Abby, stop you're so beautiful!
Abby: No, I'm not.

by stoopidbagel December 19, 2019