A phrase usually said to someone else who's meal looks very appealing. Derived from "DELicious". A play on the popular DELL computer commercials.
Example 1
Friend: *gets delicious looking meal*
Me: "Dude you're gettin a delllllll"
Example 2
"Man we gotta stop at Donalda's I need to get a fuckin dell"
the most sexiest man alive. he is amazing in every way and is better than all of you
Jack Dell has a big penis.
to make something unnecessarily proprietary
Man Asus is pulling a dell with this PC, I'll never be able to upgrade the motherboard without replacing the rest.
After one is done with a dell fister, s/he takes a straw and drinks the lemon juice from the ass of his/her partner. This is much like fletching
"Man she was so upset with me giving her that dell fister that she made me clean her up with a dell slurpee", said John.
"That is disgusting", exclaimed Jimmy while vomiting.
To show you are about to do something stupid or to replace hell yeah
Bro1. I dare you to jump off the roof
Bro2.oh dell yeah
In the back woods country some might say dell yeah to define a stupid thing one is about to do or use instead of hell yeah
Hey bro I dare you to jump off the roof
Oh dell yeah
Crappy gaming laptop, overheats and throttles.
"You are getting a new super-deluxe Dell G5 gaming laptop for Christmas!"
*opens it*
*uses it for first game* "Cool!"
1 day later
*laptop overheats to nearly catching on fire*