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can't sleep huh?

So... You can't sleep huh?

Me neither, I wrote this at 4:49 am


So... Can't sleep huh?

by Scroll down July 23, 2021

uh huh uh

It's a term used in the event that the answer to a yes or no question is both or even maybe. Or just whenever the hell a person might feel like saying it.

Hey do you think you'll be going to that party. Uh huh uh. Damn that female is fine... Kind of. Uh huh uh is this meat rotten or dose it just naturally taste like shit? Uh huh uh. Is that a dude or a chick? Uh huh uh. Did you see that? Uh huh uh.

by DJ SpaceCadet June 28, 2014


Another way of saying yes or okay.

"Ma can I spend the night at Jeremy's house his mom said it was ok?"


by Mackendeez February 12, 2018

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Huh Guey Thursday

created by the CEO F. Mendez, an event held every Thursday at what is called Huh guey Headquarters in Chicago IL. It is a group of hevaros who get together and have Hold'em, Maddenm Fifa, and Pool tournaments. Usually involes different types of food. One Epic event.

Every Thursday should be a Huh Guey Thursday. Getting really huge in Chicago and should be expanding across the US soon!

by Rich Beatz September 22, 2010

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Thats Tight Huh

something that is really fucking cool.
like me.

Hey Scotty, did you see that hot girl down the street?
Yeah Thats Tight Huh!

by nicknolty July 12, 2009

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Yeah, uh-huh

A phrase conveniently placed at the start of many popular records as a warning to anyone over a mental age of 6 that the following song will be of extremely poor quality and is to be avoided unless you are the type of person who uses words like "da" and "dat" on your Facebook status updates.

Yeah, uh-huh, check this shit out. This motherfucker ain't no good at writing songs but I can wear a basketball shirt sixty two sizes too big and hold a wireless microphone while doing that that thing with my hands that tells all watching that my willy is so small it can only be measured on a Planck Scale.

by DaiFlump July 7, 2010

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Mutha Fuka Huh

is used to show frustration with repeating yourself to someone and used quite often with people who do not follow directions or instructions.

Naw nigga, use this wire like I just told you! Mutha Fuka Huh.

by starlitesobrite July 10, 2011

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