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Goin' to Jersey

Taking' a woman by the back door (i.e., anal sex).

Hey John, I'm Goin' to Jersey with Jen tonight, and she's gonna moan all the way to pleasure town!

by Ryan Eaves April 27, 2006

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Jersey Divorce

Ending a marriage by the violent murder of a spouse.

Bob Jersey Divorce 'd his wife, he "accidentally" ran her over with his Camaro.

by Kev H August 9, 2007

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Jersey pride

The reason why most Jersyians (including me) think we are are the best state and think we are better than you.Its also the reason why some people from Jersey like to yell JERSEY!when asked were they are from from and when out of state like to get the nick-name Jersey (to my knowledge nobody from any other state gets there state name as a nick-name when out of state) Jersey pride my came from years of people from other states putting Jersey down and making fun of it.Therefore being from Jersey,we feel we must defend it.

guy1:hey man were ya from
guy2:so wuts your name?
Jerseyian:my names Steve but you can call me Jersey.
Guy1 talking to guy2:whats up with that guy?
guy2 to guy1:its cool hes just got a little bit of Jersey pride.

by JerZeyCJ October 23, 2009

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New Jersey

not the land fill of new york, do your research. new york pays new jersey to take the garbage, and then send it over to staten island. only smells abnormal around new york and phili, and people only think that because they aren't from the area. no other state is so abundant in 24-hour diners, and home of the world's largest strip mall (a.k.a. route 22).

jersey is the best state ever, and yes, I have lived in Oregon, Ohio, and New York, and visited over 20 others

by funks June 1, 2005

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New Jersey

i'm from jersey, have been all my life.

i'm gonna spend a lot of time writing this entry. i'll give you everything about jersey, the good, the bad, and the ugly.

first.. new jersey people are conceited. it's true. we hate everyone else. and we think we are better than everyone else. and we never stop talking about how great new jersey is. then we tell people to "shut the fuck up" when they tell us all we talk about is jersey. i just recently was in the south .. and i can honestly say, that i do think i am better than them. it's not my fault.. it's cause i'm from jersey. my friends and i were the rudest, most obnoxious people there. everyone just stared at us. then we saw other rude people, and i asked them where they were from. obviously, they said jersey.

why are new jersey people self centered? becasue we have reason to be. first of all, some of the most famous people have come from our state. just to name A FEW.. tom cruise, frank sinatra, bruce springsteen, kevin smith, whitney houston, martha stewart, lauryn hill, catch 22, anne hathaway, queen latifa, my chemical romance, jack nicholson, bruce willis, the four seasons, danny devito .. and the list goes on. not only do we have famous people.. we rank in the top 10 of smartest states every year.

not only are we smart and famous.. we're rich. bergen, somerset, morris, and hunderton counties rank as in the counties top 15 richest counties. and despite the slums of newark and camden which are some of the countries most dangerous places to live, we have 4 of the top 10 safest cities to live in the us.

and we smell? yeah, we do. new jersey smells like ASS. on the turnpike, between exits 14 and 17. that's like, 5 percent of the entire state.. bayonne, port newark, and secaucus. and the surrounding areas. that's it. the majority of the state smells like trees. because the majority of the state is trees. in fact, three of new jersey's cities rank in the countries top 10 least polluted cities. so shove it.

new jersey is ideal. i live 20 mintues away from new york city and an hour away from the famous jersey shore, (the shore is amazing. you think your beach is better? fuck you. why do you think mtv's true life had an episode titled "i'm a jersey shore girl." because it's the best fucking shore in the country.), and two hours away from philidephia. and it's a 4 hour drive to washington dc. and 15 mintues to the nearest mall -- 20 minutes to the next, and a half hour to the next. i just counted .. 7 malls within a half hour of my house. find me another state that has all that to offer.

yeah, we have accents. who gives a shit? everyone has an accent. and no, we don't say "joisey." we do say "cawfee and tawk." but i can tell you it's a hell of a better accent than you bitches from the south.

and we can't drive? no. you can't drive. like i said before, i was just in the south. the speed limit sign read: speed limit 60.. minimum 45. what? that's why you people can't drive. who has a mininum speed limit? new jersey drivers like pissing other people off solely because of the reputation. this is what we will do.. just letting you know .. if we see out of state license plates, we'll tailgate your ass. probably because you're doing the speed limit and we want to go 20 over. then, we'll cut you off.. and go slow in front of you. because we can. and because when you go home you're gonna complain about us. we like it, it doesn't bother us. that's what we want.

we like fast things. things move too slow in other states. you can tell that someone's from new jersey by the way they walk. they walk really fast and have a strut that says "i'm better than you."

music scene? amazing. bloomfiled ave cafe .. starlight ballroom .. enough said. we have the best local bands, the best punk scene, and probably 97 percent of the country's emo kids. don't believe me? read "nothing feels good. punk rock, teenagers, and emo." count how many jersey references are in that book. and the rap scene? i don't know much about it .. but i know it's there. and i know it's good.

and obviosuly the club scene. you don't know techno music until you come into new jersey.. SERIOUSLY. "we don't pump our gas .. we pump our fists." just shut the fuck up until you go to seaside boardwalk. you'll probably see some of the trashiest, dirtiest, skankiest girls.. and some of the most guido, gelled up hair, armani exchange wearing boys that take too many steroids and have have too much sex .. but they know how to dance better than anyone you ever met in your life. so yeah, the stereotype that all jersey chicks are trashy, is true .. if you go to seaside. that's pretty much it. the rest of the state is full of confident, beautiful girls that speak their mind. and the guys outside of seaside are pretty decent too.

majority of jersey people are italian.. or wish they were .. and drink too much beer and smoke too much pot. but, we all love eachother. i was at a party the other day and i met these guys that were best friends .. a scene kid, an abercrombie wearing kid, and a ghetto kid. why? because we don't give a fuck about labels. we throw the sickest parties .. in the woods.

what else? giants, jets, nets, and of course the devils. they're better than you. so shut the fuck up. and we have more yankee fans than new york city. come to jersey with a sox hat on .. i dare you.

hungry? don't worry. we have 24 hour diners. a million of them. we also have hoboken which has some of the finest places to eat. and you have not had real italian food until you come here. okay? shut up.

and oh yeah, we say "yo." often. and "fuck." i don't complain that you say "y'all" so don't complain that i say "yo."

to sum up new jersey. yeah, most of the stereotypes are true, probably for about 5 percent of the state. the rest of the state is beautiful. and yeah, we hate you. we love ourselves. wanna know why? because all you bitches hate us. how would you feel if the other 49 states spent all their time talking shit? we deserve to be our own country cause we're that cool.

southerner visiting new jersey: "whoa, this state moves too fast for me."
jerseyian: "yo, fuck you, go grow some corn."

new yorker visiting new jersey: "i can't believe you guys think you're beter than us."
jerseyian: :: punches new yorker in the face ::

pennsylvanian visiting new jersey" "haha, you guys smell."
jerseyian: "fuck you, you're a hick."

by your motherr July 9, 2006

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Jersey Redneck

There are more Jersey Rednecks than you once believed!

Jersey rednecks typically dwell in backwood areas within Philadelphian surburbs, where there is still plenty of rural land for the blue collar folk. Almost every Jersey redneck owns a chevy pickup truck, which they park in their "driveway", which is not really a driveway but an area of their lawn in which grass isn't growing. Their front yards are home to various appliances and vehicles that no longer function, somehow finding their way there. Jersey rednecks love Marlboro cigarettes (because Newports are for "negroes" and Camels are for "A-rabs"), Skoal, Budweiser, Natural Ice and especially Keystone. The origins of their slow southern accent is mysterious, though speculation reveals that it is probably from listening to too much Lynyrd Skynyrd. Instead of "you guys" they will say "youz guys", and "tuh'marry" instead of "tomorrow". The Jersey redneck's idea of a dream vacation is a week-long trip to Wildwood.

No one thought hicks lived so far north until the Jersey redneck was discovered.

by Chernorizets Hrabr November 7, 2004

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new jersey

I recently moved to NJ from Connecticut. I came here knowing and pretty much believing all of the negative stereotypes about NJ (like "NJ - the armpit of America" -- one of my personal favorites). But I had NEVER ACTUALLY BEEN THERE. Alot of others on this site have done an excellent job of debunking the myths about NJ & its people, so I'll just add this: I'm a million times happier in this state than I ever was or could be in CT and so is just about everybody I know. Nuff said? I'm so glad I'm no longer the superficial, mean, bigoted, insecure tight ass that I was in CT.

The Garden State (NJ nickname)
"NJ - Keeping It Real" (unofficial motto)
Join the Human Race -- move to New Jersey (my advice)
A bit-o-history: Some statesman in the 1700s compared NJ to an immense barrel, filled with good things to eat and open at both ends, with Pennsylvanians grabbing from one end and the New Yorkers from the other. Perhaps PA & NY have drained the periphery areas of NJ so much that they are now the blight that gives NJ such a bad rap. Just a thought.

by BVM May 30, 2005

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