Source Code

Vanilla killa

A person who kills white people because of their race.

How did Jonathan smith die again? He was murdered by an asian man who was a vanilla killa

by Men newer January 31, 2012

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killa fire dank

When after consuming large quantities of spicy foods (IE: rooster hotsauce on sardines, jalapeno bubblegum, etc), one takes an enormous dump, dries it, and smokes it.
A common tactic among wiggers and Nigerians.

Person 1: "Hey, you smell like shit and you have brown stains all over your fingers and mouth. Fuck is wrong with you?"

Person 2: "Nigga I just toked on that GOOD shit I'm throwed"

Person 1: "I don't know about GOOD shit, but SHIT is right. You've been smoking that killa fire dank again, I can smell the feces and spicy peppers on your dumb wigger ass"

by whitecastleUMOADBRO November 27, 2010

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Twiztid Serial Killa

A Twiztid Serial Killa is a juggalo who likes to listen to Twiztid more than any other music from Psychopathic records' artists.

"You're a juggalo?"
"Yeah, I'm a Twiztid Serial Killa"

by MMFWCL July 27, 2007

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skrilla killa

chick that uses you for all your dough aka girlfriend

Yo man why you dating dat skrilla killa? You know she is just wit you for dat dough flow.

by daniel traudt June 18, 2011

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ice blood killa

The infamous Matt Dollar, who has slain countless people for no reason at all.

Matt Dollar is a true ice blood killa.

by Ice Grilled Cheese May 17, 2004

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cop killa queenz

best borough in new york city, hands down.

kid from brooklyn - yo where u from
hot chick from queens - cop killa queenz, recognize, fool!

by snootch87 July 24, 2008

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bitch face killa

a girl who's glare would kill you if you were not wearing your anti-whore armour

The bitch face killa made me cream my drawers with her glance in my general direction

by Shawn March 14, 2003

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