According to the hitchhickers guide trough the galaxy the answer to the meaning of life is 42.
There is no meaning just
Take it snlezy
Random person:no problem ya take it easy
Michael in the good place :I'll do you one better I'll say this to my friend with all the love in my Hart and all the wisdom of the universe. take it snlezy.
Me : I will
Random guy:is that the meaning of life
Douglas: yes yes it is
bro 1: hey bro what's the meaning of life
bro 2: to fuck big booty bitches
Eat ass, smoke grass, die fast
Little kid: what is the meaning of life?
Depressed teenager: Eat ass, smoke grass, die fast
the meaning of life is to poot or to pootis
"im gonna go do da meaning of life to my girlfriend"
"ok thats cool."
If I had to choose.... It would beeeeee..... TO KILL GOD!
Hym "What is the meaning of my life? Says the Jordan Peterson plant... To kill God. That is all. But I'll take care of that when I'm dead. For now, I'll do what I'm doing now. Which is demonstrating to a charlatan that his life has no meaning. But only because it's funny."