Pertaining to or characterized by energy or generating an effective energetic action or process of being vigorously active or forcefully moving or being moved, continuing or continued without intermission or interruption; ceaseless in it's operation, driven by it's own force which gives it its own momentum regardless of any friction that is less than it's own force that is being applied.
The basic rules for PDM (Perpetual Dynamic Motion) are
1. The design must use either gravity or magnetic fields, or use both gravity and magnetic fields.
2. The design must be symmetrical while exhibiting changing or moving parts to ensure the force of momentum is always greater than it's resistance.
3. The design must have a self contained push and pull or a self contained attraction and repulsion.
4. The design of the spinner must be lighter than the total weight or force that will be self contained to keep it moving.
5. The design will not be effected by any friction that is less than the total of its force, and even if stopped, it will self start on its own again and keep moving because it has it's own momentum.
"Perpetual Motion" means ever lasting movement, so why do people try to define it as "must not have any friction at all", and "must stay at the same speed"? Whoever tries to place the description inside of a box, must only do so because they think inside of a box. They are assuming that nothing inanimate is capable of having it's own self sustained force.
So I added "Dynamic", which implies that it does in fact have its own self sustained force.
The new term is now
"Perpetual Dynamic Motion"
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Different from regular motion sickness, sufferers of motion concentration sickness can enjoy being in a plane, train, or automobile as long as they are not concentrating on something other than the scenery.
Sarah: (driving) I think we missed our turn back there. What does the map say?
Kat: (looks at the map) Yeah, we're about two miles past it. Pull over, I think I'm gonna to puke. Reading the map gave me motion concentration sickness.
Thomas tried to study for his exam while on the bus, but his motion concentration sickness kicked in and gave him a headache that lasted the rest of the day.
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When a girl gotta phat booty, when she walks that thang jiggles. like bellas!
Dayummmmm, that girl having motion!
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Going "through" the "emotions." A moment of your life when you are very vulnerable and experiencing a lot of different emotions at one time that you may not be able to describe. Being deep in thought about your life and maybe overthinking the past.
Give him time, he is going thru the motions after the breakup.
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a hip-hop crew that lives in clarksburg maryland, they consist of many styles of dance such as: Wave, Krump, Pop, Break, And Jerk.
Originator; B-Boy Korn
Follow Them On Twitter @NewMotionCr3w
ayee New Motion Cr3w killed that cypher
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Another thing me and Rich came up with aswell as slammin' doors. the chopping hands motion is a lesser known replacement for the common 'wanker' sign, and involves moving your hands up and down in a chopping motion when they are about 6 inches apart and fairly parrallel. This came about in a bragging contest about the fashion in which we had to pleasure ourselves because of our over-sized penises.
someone-"why are you doing that in Perry's general direction"
me-"for a laugh really"
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