A language with it's own alphabet and pronunciations that was created by Imie Mark IV.
Words like Dralyinkit come from this language.
Not many people understand the Ivian language
A Language just consisting of sounds. Created and only spoken by Nat W.
“Ahhh patabaha” in Nat Language means “help me something bad just really happened” in English.
Kira language is a form of language used by crazy people who are given the name kira. The language typically includes high levels of sarcasm and pure "weirdness". To understand this language you must first understand the ways of kira. The process of mastering the ways of kira can be both difficult and tedious but with great strength and dedication you will prevail!
Examples of kira language: "I think the fuck not", "gosh golly", "that guy was a throbbing dick"
The language that is only spoken by Selenators and Beliebers who hate on The Weeknd
Belieber/Selenators: The Weeknd is ugly and his music is trash
XO: I'm sorry but I cannot understand what you're saying because you are speaking a language called snake language
In French class if you don’t know a word say *insert mole language*
This is commonly followed up by IM A MOLE IM A BLOODY MOLE
Excuse moi les elves what does jemappelle mean
Insert mole language
Ok class I now have depression
The act of speaking with Gs, Zs, Vs, Ds instead of Cs, Ks, Ss, Fs, Ts, doing this to give the perception of sounding like scott johnston.
Speaking normally- Hello my name is Scott nice to meet you cunt!
Zgodd Language - Hello my name iz zgodd nize do meed you gund!
Idz vugging zgodd language gund!
its when u talk but before each vowel u say UB
ubi druboppubed thube r bubomb
(i dropped the r bomb)
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