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noun: often racist, ignorant unintelligent low-class (whitetrash) denizens of the south east side of the USA who love two things: their sisters (not in a good way) and NASCAR. Rednecks make americans look bad because of their extereme ingorance and tolerance for cheap beer and cheap ciggarettes and their tendency to live in trailers. Not always poor but (often are) maintain a low-brow view on life.

that redneck just drank 24 cans of busch and grabbed his sisters ass

by #1 stunna July 16, 2004

32๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person or group of people who are discriminated against and called "stupid" by people on urban dictionary who can't even correctly spell stupid. They tend to like to hunt and watch NASCAR. Most are quite intelligent, though because people today are so close minded they aren't seen like that, they are usually described as quite ignorant. THEY ARE NOT RACIST! There is a difference between a redneck or a country person, and a hick. Hicks or hillbillies are racist. The Rebel Flag DOES NOT STAND FOR SLAVERY it stands for Southern Heritage, and yes rednecks tend to wear the rebel flag on clothing and etc. Get your facts straight people, and don't try and say something like "they are uneducated" about some one you don't personally know, if you can't even correctly spell a 4 letter word your own self.

Person 1: Rednecks are dumb and racist.
Person 2: Actually we are quite educated, the state forces/forced us to go to school just like they forced/forces you to. We are not racist, actually we are probably more mannerly than you are.
Person 1: I guess.
Person 2: I don't guess, I know.

by CountryGirl... February 4, 2011

113๐Ÿ‘ 178๐Ÿ‘Ž


You might be a redneck if..
.........It never occurred to you to be offended by the phrase, "One nation, under God."
..........You've never protested about seeing the 10 Commandments posted in public places.
..........You still say "Christmas" instead of "Winter Festival."
..........You bow your head when someone prays.
..........You stand and place your hand over your heart when they play the National Anthem.
..........You treat Viet Nam vets with great respect, and always have.
..........You've never burned an American flag.
..........You know what you believe and you aren't afraid to say so, no matter who is listening.
..........You respect your elders and expect your kids to do the same.
.........You'd give your last dollar to a friend.

*Not ever to be confused with the N.A.A.C.P.,the Kue Klux Klan,Republicans,Democrat or any other organazation.

I'm from North Carolina and I'm proud to be a redneck

by CYBOR KONG October 20, 2005

26๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž


1) ONLY drives pick-up trucks.
2) watches Nascar because it is an all-redneck event.
3) thinks the national flag of the United States is the Confederate flag.
4) a person who votes or runs for the Republican party.
5) think the white race is superior to every other race in the world.
6) thinks the world consists of the USA, Mexico, are water, monsters and evil-doers.
7) has sex with his mother, sister and brother.
8) works in a garage.
9) belongs in the south.
10) a member of the NRA.
11) thinks the United States is a country by and for whites.
12) does not know that white people are of European race.
13) grows a goatee, often with a shaved head.
14) has no knowledge of world events and does not care, aka the average American.
15) anyone who associates with the term all-American.

That redneck can't even point to Iraq on the map.

by Bush-basher August 5, 2003

48๐Ÿ‘ 71๐Ÿ‘Ž


Boots,Camo,Jeans(wranglers),Southern Voices,Tough,Mean,Beer Drinker( or will be),button down shirts,bucknife always on them,talk about women too much,love cars, they talk about there guns or what there doing this weeknd at the ranch,racsits, and lound

Henry Nixon,Charles Stuckey, and Daniel Mcarty from San Antonio are such rednecks there allways talking about what truck theyll be driving when there 16.

by alamo heights November 30, 2007

13๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


A white race that blames the blacks, jews, mexicans, and any other race for their trailer park life. They won't even work for minium wage to buy toothpaste to brush their shitty teeths and go to school, quit fucking your own relatives.

Billy Bob, "These dam mexicans come to take all our jobs."

Jose, "Well your lazy ass don't want to wash dishes and make mininum wage."

Billy Bob, " Naw, I graduated from the 6th grade, thats like having a High School diploma."

Jose, "Redneck, I already have a lawn mowing business, have 2 houses, trucks, and get to travel. And you still live in this shitty trailer park."

by Mz. Gangsta July 25, 2009

14๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


Glorious absence of basic common sence.

If you frequent the same titty bar more than three times a week because your sister gives the best lapdances in town. You might be a redneck.

by Stairface Chippendale May 16, 2006

16๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž