When you get passed the point of tilted (screaming at a video game) and move into the stages of throwing your controller and smashing tv's that's what proper tilted is.
I'm getting fucking proper tilted my guy!!! *breaks controller*
Being mad, tilted, before doing something
“Yeah I’ll come over just know I’m pre-tilted”
on tilt means being mad (from poker), so rhino tilt is extremely, aggressively, uber-pissed off; usually as a result of some unusual unexpected circumstances
Dude, he went on rhino tilt when I told him about how I banged his mom the other night.
When you know the action you are about to take is wrong, but you have to do it anyway because if you would have been right the result is much, much worse than if you were not.
I called the bet on the river with my flush even though the board had paired and there was a bet/raise to me. I had to pay my tilt insurance because if I lost this pot by folding to a worse hand I would have killed myself
When a player who is so good it's as though his team is moving downhill.
Tom Brady is the GOAT!
No man, it ain't even a QB. LT is the GOAT. That dude would tilt the field
Wearing a full brim hat tilted up in the front such that the hairline is exposed.
The concert was good, but there was so much hipster tilt that I couldn’t see the stage.
Being as excited as humanly possible
My brother died in a car crash, but I was in his will. I’m full tilt.
4👍 4👎