bands or singers such as Whitney Huston, Salt & Pepper, AC/DC and George Michael that perform again after a long stint off and think they still have it, tour again to raise some extra drug money for their retirement.
George Michael is all bloated and old when he came to Australia ... it's just another Superannuation Tour.
v. to loiter at the edge of a tour group that you are not a part of in order to overhear, for free, the tour guide’s information
n. a person loitering at the edge of a tour group of which they are not a part
Let's tour barnacle that group looking at Michelangelo's David statue, the guide speaks English and I want to know why David's naked.
1👍 1👎
Whilst driving, to mindlessly and unquestioningly follow Google maps.
Whilst driving from North to South down the A1 late at night, Google maps suddenly pipes up with a recommendation for a ‘Better route’.
Sure, Google knows best right?
10 minutes later I’m swerving along dark, single-file country lanes through cow fields.
Quite liked the sense of companionship with the other cars around me that had obviously also taken the same G-tour without question.
The act of carrying a half-full garbage bag around your home, emptying wastebaskets into it to get a full bag
Honey, if I take the Garbage Tour will you throw it away?
Taking the scenic route or going out of your way while driving, extending the duration of your drive.
There was a lot of traffic, so we took the bride's tour
A High tour is someone who plays a lot of MVM a game mode in team fortress 2 and can be described in 2 ways
The good meaning: A Nice guy who likes to help newer people to MVM with over 500+ tours under his belt
The bad meaning: A real dickhead who loves to ruin other peoples experiences in MVM which is why a lot of smaller tour players leave MVM early with over 500+ tours under his ass
(Good meaning) Gamer 1-Hey man you know that high tour we played with on 2 cities awhile back
Gamer 2-Yea what about him?
Gamer 1-well he warned me about some guy talking shit and just afk until he gets the loot just came to tell you to watch out for him.
(Bad meaning) Gamer 2-Hey I just ran into that asshole you were talking about and all he did was complain about the better people and waited for his loot
Gamer 1-I told you he was a cuck
When you rent a uhaul and drive to an undisclosed location to purchase and transport narcotics.
we were scheduled to be "goin on tour" in june in the bay.