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travel balls

n. - phrase used to describe the state of one’s balls once covered in the sweaty stank that can only come from periods of extended travel.

Bruh, after 3 connections and 4 airports, I’ve developed a serious case of travel balls.

by four48actual June 30, 2018

travel porn

Fantasy freedom in lockdown, looking at mapquest in a state of near-erotic passion.

Distance and driving time, alternate routes, gas consumption, it was travel porn, as forbidden as his previous kinks had been, not long ago.

by Monkey's Dad March 22, 2020

Fast Travel

When you sleep during a long journey while someone else drives, and wake up at your destination.

Passenger: "Hey bro I'm super tired, do you mind if I fast travel?"

Driver: "Nah bro go ahead".

by Bboyzxoxo July 21, 2019

Travel Beer

Just a normal beer, but a Travel Beer is one you take with you when you go for a walk somewhere.

Richard: I fancy a beer but i can't wait til we get to the pub | Jess: Take a travel beer then!

by rach91 December 15, 2009

Train Travel

the proest game in the world. if you didnt play it yet then why are you still alive noob

Train Travel is better than jailbreak

by Noobs Studios August 24, 2022

travel guru

A travel Guru loves to talk travel, hear travel and meet travelers; he or she lives and breaths for traveling. A Travel Guru has experience of vagabonding and although they might decide to settle down in one place ,he or she always has the urge to travel and explore new destinations.

They know their visited places inside and out, such as things to do, attractions to visit, people and all the good stuff.

The term 'Travel Guru' is popularized by 'World Inside Out', a company that facilitates authentic traveling.

I saw San Francisco like an insider by contacting a Travel Guru.
A Travel Guru knows about all the hidden gems of his or her previously visited countries.

by Woyout August 14, 2015

the travel shits

When a person travels to a vacation destination and gets "the shits" (I.e. Goes Poop a lot).

Every time I go on vacation I get a wicked case of the travel shits

by DonkJr February 24, 2017