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Tony Hawk's Underground

The greatest Skateboarding game ever created by mankind. At the time of writing this, the game is 10 years and 3 months old and is still widely known as the best Skating game ever made. If Neversoft had any sense, they would release it in the Xbox Live Marketplace.

Jimmy's Mom: So, Jimmy, what do you want for Christmas 2014? Xbox one, PS4...?
Jimmy: Nah, I saw a PS2 on eBay for $24.
Jimmy's Mom: Okay... why a PS2? I thought I bought you one of those, like, 12 years ago.
Jimmy: Yeah but it broke last year. I want another one so i can play Tony Hawk's Underground. It's sick.

by T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E February 17, 2014

Kosovo underground army.

Kosovo made an underground army after a very lurcative deal with China and Kanye West is secretive leader of this cult and army. He was able to donate the money he got from donda to this army. it’s for the Albanian cause. Its main purpose was to protect and save humanity from any upcoming dangerous or even deadly disease may appear among us. Let’s look at covid-19, it’s a more deadly varions than the other covid viruses they used some Oslaedstechnology to help making the cure. The Main Oslaedstechnoligical was Alina West.

Person 1: hey, I’ve heard about the Kosovo underground army. What’s that?

Person 2: secretive place, we shall not talk about it.

by Vile Vila May 24, 2022

lance corporal underground

Term used in the Marines to refer to the gossip passed around by those of a lower rank (usually lance corporals) about deployments, promotions, and any other topic pertaining to a unit's agenda.

Lance Corporal: So, I heard through the Lance Corporal Underground that we are going to Okinawa in May.

Other Lance Corporal: STFU I'm peeing.

by jmusmc85 June 6, 2010

58👍 8👎

Underground Voter

An ineligible voter who is not supposed to be on the voter rolls but somehow got his votes counted. This includes the dead (six feet under-ground), teenagers, cartoon characters, non-citizens, armies of body doubles, those pretending to be their grandpa or aunt.

How to achieve a 99% voter participation rate? Have a lax voter roll and have each underground voter mail their ballots in by truckloads. #CountEveryVote. Nobody is going to check. Anybody who contested the election results is racist and the enemy to our People's democracy! Take our word for it since we run the election and we have the judges in our pocket. Bwahahaha.

by XiJinPing June 27, 2021

1👍 4👎

underground hip hop

A non commerical genre of rap music that
actually in my opinion has more originality and talent than most commercialized shit on TV. The Deftinitive Jux label is a fine example
of oiginal hip hop, if ya havent checked out that label, type up www.definitivejux.com.

Mr. Lif is an underground rapper that express politics, and society issues in
an intense, intellegent lyrical discharge.

by x9 March 6, 2005

402👍 151👎

Club Underground Peru

An alias for the music project bedroom; a synthpop, alternative, indie, new wave shoegaze, 80's experimental alternative electronic, post-punk, lo-fi dreampop, 90's chillwave, 2000's electroclash music project.

Have you heard Club Underground Peru's new album? It sounds great on psychedelics.

by JustCrunchy December 12, 2016

9👍 2👎

taking the underground railroad

When someone snorts cocaine with a harriet tubman 20$ bill

Guy: "hey man you wanna be taking the underground railroad cuz my dealer got me the good hook up"

by GuccimaestroSS April 21, 2016