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recce Walsh

Recce Walsh is the Father to jehrome laui and he is the hottest nrl player.

QLD: who’s ur daddy now laui
Recce Walsh: iam

by Its_@patty carrigan August 5, 2023

The Walsh Manoeuvre

The art of getting absolutely no girls ever, for the rest of your life. This usually leads you to dieing a virgin.

Damn, can you believe that guy's about to die and he's still a virgin? He totally pulled of The Walsh Manoeuvre.

by Jack901 September 14, 2009

bailey walsh

bailey is a really gay fag and is fuckboi and likes young boys...

Guy 1: Is that bailey walsh over there?
Guy 2: You should stay away from him, he's a fuckboi that's gay.

by the fag boi May 30, 2019

Jason A. Walsh

hot being and savier.His head cures cancer

broooo i just got cured of cancer because of Jason A. Walshs hot body
He will be in fortnite first

by iLoveCats420meow March 23, 2022

Walsh Gambit

A move in chess, where you hang a major piece and then come up with an excuse like having dinner or needing to take the dog out for a walk.

liam: he just hung his queen?
ben: no, i just played the infamous walsh gambit

by yunghannah March 10, 2021

blake walsh

A sexy boy who goes to mlmc

blake walsh is one sexy son of a bitch

by Hey boy August 18, 2015

whalish walsh

whale like lesbian from staten island that associates with dirty janine felines; likely to spread rabid crabs

"Hey you see that fat ass driven down lincoln ave"
"Yeah that bitch is a whalish walsh"

by niceeeeeeee April 1, 2007