Grey hairs in a beard when the rest of beard is still predominantly the natural hair color. Usually seen in bearded men between the ages 35-50
I'm 38 and I have a gnarly beard full of wisdom whiskers.
When you come up with the best idea you've ever had. It's the bomb. Nobody has ever thought of it before and you're going to become rich when you execute your plan. And then you realize you're just high.
John, in another amazing example of "high wisdom" described, to the exact specific detail, how he would discover the cure for cancer.
This is normally written in a leaving card, birthday card, scratched onto the side of a car.._
It is actually an insult! Take a look and have a think..
Cunt of a boss getting his/her leaving card in which Jonny wrote ‘Wisdom And New Knowledge Equals Results!’
Cuntboss: wow Jonny, I love what you wrote in my card!
Jonny: WANKER!
A form of basic and incredibly obvious advice often given by humans of Caucasian decent
- "Don't point a gun at things you're not willing to kill !"
- "That's some cracker wisdom right here."
Another word for a public restroom, because it always has good advice written on the walls about things you should do, and stuff.
I gotta go to the temple of wisdom.
When you get older you become more WISDOMED in the game of love, peace and life itself. It is because, honestly, life is literally everything mixed into wisdom itself. Life experiences make it inevitable.
These older wisdomed folk stay trippin’on the younger youth, do they not?
Denzel Washington has not always been as wisdomed as he is now, insofar through his growth and achievement of more life experience making this possible . This great quality is truly inevitable to anyone that lives life but alas, as seen in Mr Washingtons’ case, more potent in the already stronger wisdomed. I can’t explain it but It’s mos def a thing.