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like your face

a term meant to be used in a playful manner, but also has its uses in the derogatory. "like your face" means that something is similar in appearance, or feeling taken from experience to your face..

"Courtney Love is a slut."

"I am so bored."

by Becca May 9, 2005

24๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tell your face

A way of telling someone that they are using the wrong facial expression for a situation. usually shouted

Person 1: hey dumbass
*looks at friends expression*
Person 1: woah dude, I was only joking
Person 2: I know that
Person 1: TELL YOUR FACE!!!!!

by jack thomas 1995 March 1, 2011

11๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

whatever your face

term used as a comeback, such as "your face" but the "whatever" adds to the intensity. seeing that "whatever" is a comeback already, it's like adding 1+1 and getting much more than you bargained for.

#1: your mother is fatter than a pregnant elephant!!
#2: whatever
#1: whatever your face!!!!

by Hopscotch Jones April 8, 2009

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Beat Your Face

When a Make Up Artist Goes to Work on Someone's Face. Making them go From Plain Jane to Diva

Basically, the term make-up artist uses to say I'm going to put make-up on your face.

Client: My face needs some make-up

MUA: Let me Beat your face

by BuckE December 24, 2012

96๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž

murder your face

1. to kill you.
2. or to hurt your face real bad.
often used as a threat or description.

1. Motherfucker, if you don't put down the lung, I'll murder your face!
2. I was in the club and smashed a motherfucker's head down on a martini glass. Man, you murdered his face!!

by zen December 4, 2004

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So is your face!

A payout used to react to another payout or saying

Person 1: Your Gay!
Person 2: So is your face!

Person 1: What are you doing tomorrow night?
Person 2: So is your face!

by Cammo F September 29, 2006

33๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

in your face update

An unexpected software update that requires an immediate restart of your device and that installes a bunch of unwanted features.

The latest in your face update messed up my whole system!

by kleinermundvoll June 17, 2010

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