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Joel is often a guy with insanely skills, if you fight with "joel" i will fight you. he is popular and welliked aswell he is good at english, PA, and music when it commes to school. His username on xboxlive is läderbaggen. A guy how is reaally packed and phisical. A real don juan Joel is.Sometimes even to hot to controll. he gets an insane amaunt of girls when he plays handball in the best club called RP linköping in boys born 2004. his a great goalie on the pitch, His brother Benjamin sucks and he is a shame for the last name lúning but a good brother and "teacher.

you see that guy?

yeah is nearly as hot as Joel.

by bagarn December 13, 2016


A muscularly built man who loves to drink nothing but apple juice. Joels also always come with a big fat large cock. If you ever see a Joel, you'll notice they have the largest fattest juiciest cock you've ever seen.

Guy 1: Holy shit how does that guy have such a humongous cock?!?
Guy 2: Oh that's Joel, it's because he drinks apple juice.
Guy 1: Damn I gotta go suck on that right now!

by FatCockJoel October 22, 2020


Hot, tall, sexy, cool

Girl 1: "Yo did you see Joel? He's so hot!"

by Horatio Rey May 25, 2018


i feel like most joels are the same, they live for comedy, can keep a secret if its serious, only sometimes they can read people but only there own friends(which is pretty normal) honestly just a normal guy that loves comedy, loyal to friends, and is overall a laidback person.

i dont know how i can use the word joel in a example i just saw a bunch of people saying all joels are hot and thats not true :):):):):):):):):):):)

by joel bonzagni December 5, 2022


Joel is an absolute sick cunt with catchphrases such as I am stingin for a cone or Fuck, I'm gonna Do the hokey pokey.
Joel gets mad bitches and gives zero fucks.

Joel should have my babies.

by Skooooobs June 6, 2019


A Joel has a mandingo and are tall. He's a pussy destroyer and are a sexy best.

Look at his d1ck. His name surely must be Joel.

by Mandingo111 May 13, 2020


Big dick

"WOW! That's big dick Joel!"

by November 29, 2021