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Stranger Things

Something that is amazing, but no matter where I go people won't show up about it.

Bill " Hey Jim! How was your day? "
Jim " Have you seen Stranger Things? It's good. '
Bill " I'm going to shove my arm down my throat and pull out my stomach. "

by MoistyWaters December 31, 2018

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Reverse Stranger

When you lay on your cock until it falls asleep so it feels like you're jerking off a stranger. As opposed to a Stranger, where you sit on your hand until it falls asleep, then masturbate for the sensation of being jerked off by a stranger.

Having tired of the Standard Stranger, Charley decided to flip onto his belly and go for the Reverse Stranger.

by htims wehttam March 31, 2010

15👍 5👎

Stranger Block

To make use of the urinal next to your buddy in a public restroom, in order to ensure he avoids any possible awkward stranger encounters.

Dean: "What's up Jerry?"

Jerry: "Man, why did you pick the urinal right next to me?"

Dean: "Dude, it's a STRANGER BLOCK. I couldn't afford for my friend to have some awkward encounter with some random creepin' stranger."

Jerry: "Of Course!"

Dean: "Always lookin' out for ya buddy!"

by tpaisle April 4, 2010

double stranger

A variation of the stranger. The act of siting on your dick until it becomes numb, and having your partner sit on her hand until it becomes numb, then she proceeds to jerk you off. This gives the illusion that you're both watching someone else give and receive a hand job.

Rather than throw in my favorite porno flick, my girlfriend insisted that we do the double stranger. She says it's like watching the porno live in person.

by cliffO November 5, 2008

Stranger Squared

The act of painting ones finger nails. Then, sitting on one's hand until it becomes numb. Finally, jerking off with the numb feminine looking hand. It fools the mind into thinking its a woman's hand.

Tom: "Hey Billy why are your finger nails painted".

Billy: "I got bored with the stranger and gave myself a stranger squared".

by Mouth32 September 3, 2008

Tennessee Stranger

The act of shotgunning a bottle of Jack Daniels and sitting on your hand until it becomes number than it would have got without the whiskey and thereafter giving yourself a stranger.

My sisters last tooth fell out and her mouth just don’t feel the same. I’m just gonna shake hands with the Tennessee Stranger tonight.

by Daltronik November 10, 2018

The Millennial Stranger

When you get black out drunk and sext yourself on a strangers phone, forget that it happened, and justify your crudeness to the stranger with the explicit response(s) "they" sent back to you.

the stranger

My buddy woke up from from a heavy drinking night to find that a very receptive girl had been sexting him. He tried to follow up, but it turns out he just pulled The Millennial Stranger.

by ¡CrAnKyJoE! June 19, 2019