Apex Esports is one of the most shittiest clubs in the world. It has people who are beyond complete assholes such as Destroyer or Mewtoo I would recommended to never interact with these people ever.
This woj guy is such an Apex Esports bro
Apex esports for the win 🤓
When playing fill in apex legends you get so angry at your slow or special teammates you project your anger onto someone else who isn't involved in the game.
Sorry I called your cat fat, I was suffering from the Apex effect.
King of fortnite (Stole my purple pump) Avid glizzy lover.
Omg forz apex stole my purple pump
A game for fags and Emma should not play
Apex with the hoes is so unnecessary and only fags play that.
This is the exact definition of a fag and Emma should not partake in this.
If Emma play “apex with the hoes” she’s a fag.
The pinnacle of any example of a homosexual. Often has a firecrotch and spongebob arms
when i saw that dyed hair kid he was acting like an apex mags