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Kiss your bf day

On the 13 of October all girls have to kiss their boyfriend

Hey its the 13 October which is kiss your bf day Olivia go kiss jacob

by tommywestbrook💭 October 10, 2020

My bf

A hot bitch boy

No example

My bf is just a bitch boy

by Fvckingagoat March 30, 2022

My bf

My Boyfriend is the best boyfriend out there. He is tall 😍. And very beautiful. He is really comforting and deserving of love. I want to show him what if feels to be loved. I really miss him but i’ll probably see him tomorrow. I love his personality it’s like we’re perfect for each other<3.

Neli: What are you thinking about?
Me: My bf
Neli: Ughh againnn?!?!
Me: Always

by nikolcheto March 31, 2023

missing bf sound

a sound someone makes whn theyre really gay and miss their bf sounds like nghhhhhhnhhghnnn

guy1: why is he making that sounds
guy2: hes jsut relly gay andd miss their bf so theyre making th missing bf sound
guy1: ah

by sausage_add_on_youtube October 30, 2021

Give your bf a BJ day

March 24th is officially known as give your bf a BJ day, if you don't give him a BJ until completion then you don't get head from him for a month.

"Babe, unzip your trousers, today is give your bf a BJ day"

by Not_Owwn March 24, 2023

drippy bfs

Shortified version of saying "fuck your ugly ass you bull fucking shit". It is a more intense version of saying "bfs" which stands for"bull fucking shit". Some may even say that it is cooler, hence the name "drippy" bfs. Kind of acts like a triple swear.

Person 1: dude you are like soo lame you drippy bfs

Person 2: I wanna cum inside you

by comradegrievous July 20, 2023

Corrupted BF

The creepy version of boyfriend.xml who corrupts everyone and had chances to fight for boyfriend.xml to turn back to normal

Oh fucking shit it’s the guy from fnf Corrupted BF is known as a goat

by Sonny Cat Gamer August 23, 2022