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Body Pump

Lifting weights with music. People usually do this to shape up their bodies. And also its the fastest and the most enjoyable way to lose weight.


by SweetSoul July 28, 2008

19๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Grover body

A guy with a physique like the Sesame Street character, Grover, who has stick legs and noodle arms, but a big gut.

"What a grover body. That guy is fat, but has little skinny legs and no muscles on his arms. How did that happen?"

by Dr Fart Knocker October 4, 2005

24๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Thottie body

someone you would think is a thot because of their body.

Damn that girl has a thottie body.

by God like creature October 24, 2019

Body Press

To place one's body against another person's, with little or no arm-wrappage.
A gesture similar to a hug, with lack of effort and/or passion.

Phyllis: How was your date with Tom?
Pam: It was great until he body pressed me.

by Paige W November 22, 2007

Body Count

meaning 1. the number of people you have had sex with.

meaning 2. the number of people killed by a certain murderer

meaning 1:

Girl 1: OMG, have you seen that guy? I wonder what his body count is
Girl 2: IDK, probably more than 20

meaning 2:
Michael was always the quiet kid at college. No one knew that he was the right hand of the local mafia and had a body count of 53.

by i am the smartest around April 29, 2021

W.O.W Body

A W.O.W body is one that has become fat, ugly and out of shape due to hours of playing World of Warcraft.

Dave: Dude, I've got no idea what to do on this homework!

Joanna: Just ask Neville the Nerd for help.

Dave: Who the heck is Neville the Nerd?

Joanna: Oh, you know that smarty-pants kid with the W.O.W body.

Dave: The one with the love handles and man boobs?

Joanna: That's the one!

Dave: Oh yeah! That dweebster knows everything!

by alicojolico April 15, 2009

Run Bodies

Hand to hand combat using body shots only; usually with a homie not an enemy

Yo you trynna run bodies right now?

by The friendly mortician November 7, 2021