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Slang for a vehicle's genitals

It's got something stuck in its boomer

by GigatronusPrime October 24, 2019

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A word used by redditors on r/dankmemes as an insult

Person on reddit:says fortnite is good

Everyone:shut up boomer

by Hitler the suicide bomber September 24, 2019

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Laughing King Tiger or otherwise known as Joe, Boomers are people who act tough and think they are still "BACK IN THE DAY"

Laughing King Tiger: *Sends a meme that has nothing do with him*
everyone: Ok Boomer

by Echo361 November 13, 2019

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You're a boomer

by Sparty18 January 15, 2020

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An old person, typically named Nick and has a trust fund

A: Hey man have you seen that guy wearing the vest and the hat?
B: Yeah, hes a boomer I bet his name is nick

by The King of the World of Frisb November 5, 2019

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Fucking old people

Ok boomer

by lil nak December 17, 2019

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A old hag that sleep with ur dick to much

Look at that old boomer sucking that dick over there

by Big man32 June 15, 2022

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