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chuck norris

better than jesus

chuck norris can pick an apple from an orange tree and make the best god damn lemon-aid you've ever tasted!

by some_fucker December 13, 2016

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Chuck norris


Chuck Norris, He's GOD

by gnfnhnhnhnh March 26, 2018

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Chuck Norris

Chuck Norris, you probably heard of him, if not just look up some info about him and then come back here so I can tell you some other info. Done? Ok here I go....

He was all mighty and powerful and killed whoever said something bad about him until some guys decided to put him into a deathbattle with another really strong dude called Sega, then they starts fighting, manage to break away from our universe and now since he is gone people became allowed to start shitting on him without consequences, so they did. He is now considered overrated an a failure even though he just happens to be fighting right now and is gone from our reality

Person 1: Dude have you seen that death battle with Chuck Norris and Sega what ever his name is?
Person 2: ye, when do you think it will end?
Person 1: I think time became irrelevant....
Person 2: true that Sega guy is pretty tough

by A complete joke February 11, 2017

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Chuck Norris

fuckin badass bitch

Damn Chuck, you a fuckin badass dayumn mothafucka Chuck Norris is badaaaaasssss

by l00l 23 January 26, 2017

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Chuck Norris

The greatest kickboxer the world has every known.

Chuck Norris is not a force of nature; nature is a force of Chuck Norris.

How many Chuck Norris' does it take to screw in a light bulb?
There can be only 1 Chuck Norris, and then he will
roundhouse kick you in the face, smartass.

Hail to Chuck Norris or be dispatched.

by QuantumZ September 27, 2006

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Chuck Norris

A Chuck Norris roundhouse kick could supply the world with energy for the next 2.53 billion years. However, due to the level of danger involved in trying to harness this immense source of energy, scientists have resorted to a safer avenue of research; trying to control the kaboom from thermonuclear weapons. It is also suggested a Chuck Norris roundhouse kick may hold the key to incredible new breakthroughs in propulsion technology.

The Mars Lander did not actually crash on Mars because of a programming mistake... The transporter carrying the lander to the launch site cut Chuck Norris off and he roundhouse kicked the lander *into* Mars. NASA officials are attempting to understand this new form of propulsion. So far there have been no survivors from this dangerous research. NASA is accepting applications at this time.

by Launchpad McQuack April 24, 2006

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chuck norris

the worst actor but biggest @$$ kicker of all time.

huck norris once drowed a fish.

chuck norris is so bad he killed a bird by throwing it off a cliff.

once chuck norris farted, he set off an earthpuake that broke a rictor scale.

by egnima aminga October 25, 2007

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