A person, typically the age of 9-11, who makes content on YouTube copying YouTuber Veshremy. They will typically have bad editing and forced jokes, and will sometimes flat out steal from people word for word.
"Did you ever watch Stanon 5's new video?"
"No, I don't care for Veshremy clones. They're annoying."
the worst bus known to man, if someone mentions it run away as far as possible
wanna take the clones 95?
if anyone mentions this bus, run as far away as you can.
oh here do u want to take the clones 95 with me?
Someone easily capable of blending in with others and multiple environments to reach success; adaptable, flexible, versatile.
Robert Greene once stated, “Think As You Like But Behave Like Others,” basically be a Clone. “It is far safer to blend in and nurture the common touch.”- Law 38 of The 48 Laws of Power