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bitumen cowboy

Derogative term used to describe a sub class of vehicle owner in Australia.Commonly recognized as driving a ute or 4WD with huge bull bar,Kenworth mud flaps,CB antenna that could touch the sky,with RM Williams and Bundy Rum stickers covering every square inch of paint work.Driver usually aged between 17-30 and wears a cowboy hat even though he has never been near a horse.An essentially urban red neck,he breathes country living even though he would never dream of taking his vehicle off the road for fear of getting it dirty.

"Good luck trying to trade in your ute with all that crap stuck to it,you stupid bitumen cowboy"

by drongo September 5, 2006

Cowboy Chillers

Full flavored Marlboro Menthols compared to Marlboro Reds, Cowboy Killer's.

Hey Shelby, did you smoke all of my Cowboy Chillers? You owe me a pack.

by This is andey April 14, 2019

Smoking Cowboy

When you put the butt of a cigarette in your urethra and a little cowboy hat on the head of your penis and flex your penis to exhale smoke from your urethra.

Damn Dave I could really rip off the drawers and go for a smoking cowboy if you have a cigarette on hand.

by PinkVaquero July 30, 2019

cowboy clan

An online group of retards who'd like to be cool, but in reality just sit around posting memes and insulting eachother. This group tends to have many inside jokes and will turn on eachother at moments notice.

Dude: what the fuck is this place

Cowboy1: wtf ^

Cowboy2: shut up

Cowboy3: posts meme
Dude: Oh shit its a cowboy clan

by Anarchist Superstar August 10, 2019

Russian cowboy

When a female is bent over the toilet throwing up, a gentlemen puts his genitals into her

I Russian cowboy' d the shit out of her!

by Bloodymary12 March 21, 2017

cowboy hanky

the act of using your forefinger to block one nostril while blowing forcefully through the other nostril to remove all kinds of crap that collects.

His parents were relentless in their efforts to make their son the ultimate outdoorsman. He just wanted to dance; the only thing that gave him satisfaction was blowing a cowboy hanky on every hike because it made his mother break out in a rash.

by sanduski June 11, 2009

cowboy shave

A close shave in a hot bath, requiring a hand mirror, shaving brush, lather, and a razor. A cowboy shave also requires drinking whiskey neat, or straight from the bottle. Bonus points if there's a woman available to help soap your back. Self-care for the man just back from the dusty trail.

Watching Clint Eastwood take a cowboy shave in that spaghetti western looked so relaxing.

Saturday was self-care day. A cowboy shave and movie with the woman was exactly what I needed.

by DoctorJB October 5, 2020