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Creepy Winker

As the man is about to cum he pulls out and jerks off in your face making sure to blow most of the load in one of your eyes. He then forces you to keep it there and go about your day as if there’s nothing wrong.

I gave her the creepy winker and she had to talk to her boss. She had one when shut like pop eye.

by \m/aze December 29, 2021

Creepy Glider

An Austrian dude on discord

Creepy Glider is funny haha didn’t laugh

by Deepfried February 10, 2021

Creepy Creampie

When 4 guys ejaculate in a woman while she’s on her period

Me and my friends totally Creepy Creampied my mom yesterday

by BauniHernandez October 16, 2018


Content that creepy and cringe both at the same time.

This pic is so creepy-cringe.

by mashichi March 17, 2021

Creepy Coraline

Type of fish with big, scary, black-filled eyes; it can be any species of fish, but it's their solely black eyes which make them stand out from the crowd.
They're named after the button eyed character from the movie/book "Coraline".

Dude 1: Dude, did you see that black-eyed fish. Sick!

Dude 2: Yeah, it's a Creepy Coraline alright.

by makecupcakesnotwar96 April 14, 2011

14👍 9👎

Creepy Mermaid

When you wrap your partner's legs in a sheet or blanket then either defecate, urinate, or ejaculate on their face at which point they creep around like a mermaid out of water looking for something to wash their face.

Hey Kim are you going out with your boyfriend tonight.

No, he gave me a creepy mermaid last night so we are seeing other people now.

by cat.piss100 April 18, 2010

4👍 1👎

creepy sex

When you have sex on Halloween while wearing the creepiest costume you can find

Wanna have some creepy sex

by @IR14LFHS January 6, 2018

4👍 1👎