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shes a darling

A darling is a female that is always in need of help and attention and probably deserves it. But will not notice any one but the absolute dog. And will shed all her belongings, since of self, family and friends including her children so she can run to keep up with the the worst choice possible

Oh that girl shes a darling. You are invisible to her cause your an good guy

by Frankiegirl September 4, 2023

My Dear My Darling

David Allen Holliday

You are my dear my darling my everything

by Hollidays.bitch March 24, 2024

What will I be doing in 20 years time? I’ll be dead, darling! Are you crazy?

A beautiful quote by Freddie Mercury. This quote is so powerful, it can bring a tear to a man’s eyes.

“What will I be doing in 20 years time? I’ll be dead, darling! Are you crazy?” - Freddie Mercury (1946-1991)

by bald freddie mercury February 11, 2023

Evan Darling

a total nigger

that guys an Evan darling if I've ever seen one.

by ohyeahbabyswagmoney September 13, 2022

Braden Darling

People with the name Braden Darling are usually not very sexually active, are very awkward around females, and have a tendency of thinking they are an alpha male. They are usually white, heavyset, with puffy long hair and do terribly in school

Damn, Charlie was being a Braden Darling today, I can’t believe he fumbled the bag with her

by Chicopequeno March 21, 2022

To darl

To darl means that u are grown with the life of the street. You go to fights with 5 cars.

A: What are you doing?
B: Im going to darl later!

by Metthisprettything March 5, 2021