When you lift up the toilet seat and sit with your anus submerged in the water because you recently ate a lot of spicy food and already know it's going to burn
I ate a lot of spicy thai curry last night so I'm gonna go take a scuba doo doo
Anal virginity. Works for men or women.
Dude, I can't go to prison, Bubba will tear my ass up. I still have my doo doo cherry!
My girlfriend wants me to pop her doo doo cherry.
That means your game is wack/bad. Examples: One is no good in sports, dancing, rapping, singing etc.
I was watching my friend play basketball and his game was doo doo chips.
Doo doo fart means the cum level of your penis has reached 100
Your fart will have sexyness
And your bathroom is gonna be white 🥵🥛
Used to describe something that you don't like or something that you think is bad.
One Piece is doo doo buns.
You smell like doo doo buns.
A word used to describe my friends in a group chat. It basically means you are talking bullshit or are so annoying like poop and if I call you a doo doo fartation I probabaly don't like you (with some exceptions). Can also be used to describe a really disgusting smell.
Doo Doo Mustard!
A child that looks straggly, unbathed and smells like dried piss
I ask her if that ragedy looking child was hers and she replied. Hell no! My baby ain’t no doo doo mustard