Man that is built like the slender man, to a man with absurdly small balls. An omega dread has been found to be existing in a forest full of twisted tea. Many mistake him for the slender man or big foot depending on if he shaves.
An omega dread is a specific species. There is only one which is very peculiar and has many scientists all over the world scratching their heads.
When a girl doesn't shave or wash her lines for so long that the mat together forming dread locks
My girls carpet dreads are starting to stink up the apartment.
a situation that down right blows ass; but not intentionally
Heather: I swatted a spider and it landed on my baby's face.
Kayla: Oh, My God - that's accidentally dreadful!
Think ‘stage fright’. A dollop of dread is anything that makes you feel an acceptable, or sometimes expected, sensation of anxiety or tension, but usually not enough to persuade you away from whatever caused it.
I had a real dollop of dread before that last test we had to take, but I think I did alright.
When someone's dreadlocks start to get very dirty and smell.
Dust dread can cause into problems such as new species of bugs in your hair and spending lots of money on shampoo.
look at that dude with that nasty case of dust dread
a wedding that you dread attending
You: What are you doing this weekend?
Friend: Oh my gosh, I have to go to a dreadding on Saturday. My mom's friends' daughter is getting married in Annapolis at 1pm and then the reception is in Baltimore at 5pm. I barely even know this girl and her stupid dreadding is going to take up my whole Saturday!
When you are 100% about something. Without a doubt.
Babe Ruth is a dread cent legend.